TRY ON // 2020 lilly pulitzer after party sale!

As promised, I’m SO excited to share a try on haul of my favorite pieces from the 2020 Lilly Pulitzer After Party Sale!

As promised, I’m SO excited to share a try on haul of my favorite pieces from the 2020 lilly pulitzer after party sale!

For all the details and links for items featured, simply click through to watch this video on YouTube, then click the “show more” tab.

In the meantime, shop the Lilly Pulitzer after party sale HERE before it closes tonight!

Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel, it would mean the world!

Love from the Sunshine State,


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lilly pulitzer after party sale 2020 // twenty one must-haves

It’s here, it’s here! One of my favorite sales of the entire year, the Lilly Pulitzer After Party Sale (click HERE to shop) is here!

It’s here, it’s here! One of my favorite sales of the entire year, the Lilly Pulitzer After Party Sale (click HERE to shop) is here!

Usually, I do a much better job of prepping y’all for this sale, but with family in town the past week, I’m behind on the game. Forgive me, pretty please?! (Insert monkey covering eye emoji.)

Luckily, this year’s sale is amazing.. both in style selection and availability! Oh, and not to mention price point. So many amazing finds under $100!

I’ve rounded up twenty-one of my very favorites for this 2020 After Party Sale. I hope you enjoy shopping them below! (Just click straight on the image to shop.)

Important reminder: Lilly Pulitzer only goes on sale twice a year… once in January (this sale) and once in September. That means this is your chance to score Lilly in time for spring and summer!


lilly pulitzer after party sale


twenty one must haves



The Lilly Pulitzer team was sweet enough to send over some styles, and they should be arriving this morning. I’m going to get to work on a YouTube try-on video for y’all that will hopefully go live this afternoon or tomorrow morning! Can’t wait to share!

Love from the Sunshine State,


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caps for a cause

Pink Stripe
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Khaki Stripe
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holidays in houndstooth

For today’s look, I’m wearing a lovely houndstooth jacket I picked up before my trip to Paris. Unfortunately, it didn’t fit into my suitcase and sat forgotten in the corner of my office until this week. (When I finally cleaned everything up, as you may remember from this vlog. Oops!)

COAT houndstooth coat (also available in plus sizes!) | SWEATER j.crew jeweled sweater | SKIRT cos black wool skirt | BOOTS black knee high boots | EARRINGS pearl swan earrings

Here we are, friends. The Friday before Christmas! I feel like we’ve blinked, and it’s here. How on earth did this happen?

I’m cozied up on the couch finishing up this last blog post before taking my Christmas break. Each year, I talk 1-2 weeks off to unplug and enjoy the season. It always leaves me refreshed and reinspired for the new year ahead! While I’m sure I’ll be popping onto Instagram Stories here and there, I’m planning on (key word: planning) putting away my keyboard until 2020. And goodness knows I’m excited!

Since this is our first married Christmas, and our first spent away from family at that, Andrew and I have been thinking of lots of fun new traditions to make this week feel festive and fun. A few things on the list? An upcoming white elephant exchange + pizza party with his residents, a Christmas movie marathon, and lots of holiday baking. I can’t wait!

For today’s look, I’m wearing a lovely houndstooth jacket I picked up before my trip to Paris. Unfortunately, it didn’t fit into my suitcase and sat forgotten in the corner of my office until this week. (When I finally cleaned everything up, as you may remember from this vlog. Oops!)

The bad news is it’s selling out quickly. The good news? I decided to scour the internet and find a few similar pieces. Scroll on through below!



Wishing you a hustling, bustling holiday weekend before the very best day of the near next week! I can never say it enough: I am so thankful for each of you!

Love from the Sunshine State,


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10 days with a peloton bike // my initial review

While I’ve only owned my Peloton bike for around 10 days, I’ve already received tons of messages asking for my thoughts on it. So today, I’m excited to share an initial peloton bike review!

peloton bike review

Just over a week ago, my husband surprised me with a new Peloton bike! (Which was just too funny considering the timing of the controversial commercial… oops!)

Ever since I fell in love with spin as a form of exercise (big SoulCycle fan over here!) I’ve dreamed of owning this bike. My favorite workout whenever I wanted it? Sounded almost too good to be true!

I did a lot of research, talked to many Peloton-owning-friends, and looked up as many reviews as possible on the Peloton before officially deciding I wanted one. After all, it’s a big investment (a bike costs about $2,245 plus a monthly class subscription) and even though you can find these bikes in a few gyms/recreational centers, there’s really no way to try it out in your own home before making the leap.

While I’ve only owned my Peloton bike for around 10 days, I’ve already received tons of messages asking for my thoughts on it. So today, I’m excited to share an initial review of my experience with it thus far!


10 days with a peloton


If I had to sum up my thoughts about the Peloton in one sentence, here it is: I love it even more than I had anticipated.

As much as I wanted a Peloton, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a few misgivings about the bike that no matter how many reviews I read, I couldn’t shake before actually owning one. Let’s walk through some of those, and how they’ve played out in these past 10 days, shall we?


I won’t enjoy the instructors.”


I’ve taken more in-studio spin classes than I can count, and what has always seemed to make or break the experience for me is finding instructors I truly enjoy. One of my biggest fears about a Peloton was that I would be disappointed with the selection of instructors.

I am so happy (and relieved!) to report that I have loved the instructors so far. I have only tried out three or four, but I’ve already enjoyed the variety each offers in personality, class format and intensity level.

My absolute favorite thus far? Ally Love! She is incredibly positive, joyful and fun… her workouts always leave me feeling so good. (And completely exhausted!)

I’m really excited to continue exploring the many peloton instructors. If you have a favorite, let me know in the comments!


I won’t enjoy the actual class format.”


The reason I fell in love with spin class is because of how much fun I had doing it. My first experience into the spin-world was with SoulCycle, and I instantly fell in love with the “dance party” feel to it. The rhythm-based movements and choreography set to fun music almost made me forgot just how hard I was working out. I know that’s not everyone’s favorite type of spin class, though, and I worried that Peloton classes would not have that same rhythmic feel!

In 10 days with a Peloton, here’s what I’ve found. There is a wide variety of class types based on what you’re looking for, and luckily for me, plenty of classes that are rhythm-based! Now that I think of it, almost every single class I’ve taken has been set to music.

Cody Rigsby, for example, does a lot of fun “Groove” rides that are based on the beat. Ally Love also bases her classes on rhythm as well! While there isn’t as much “choreography” as I’m used to (tap backs, handlebar pushups, etc) I’ve found that are just as fun.

I’ve especially enjoyed “Groove” and “Pop” rides this far, and have heard great things about Ally Love’s Sunday rides. Excited to find even more that I love as I keep exploring!


“I won’t get as good of a workout at home as I would in the studio.”


Another fear of mine was that I wouldn’t get as good of a workout on the Peloton. Since it’s just you and your bike, I wondered if I would be motivated to really push it like I was at SoulCycle.

I have honestly been incredibly surprised and impressed at just how hard the Peloton instructors and classes have pushed me to workout! I think it’s based on a few things:

• Finding Instructors Who Motivate You

Not everyone is going to be motivated by the same type of personality. I’ve enjoyed finding instructors who personally inspire me to give it my all! I worried that was only an in-person thing but no. I’ve been equally amp’d up by the instructors on-screen as well!

• Using Analytics To Push Yourseld

One thing I’ve loved about the Peloton bike is the analytics it shows during each ride: heart rate, cadence, resistance, and class rank to name a few. I’ve found that if you truly stick to the instructors recommendations, you will be getting a CRAZY good workout. Yes, even as good as SoulCycle!

I’ve also surprised myself with how competitive I am in these classes. While I haven’t taken a live class yet, I’ve loved racing against the “here now” board of Peloton riders taking a class at the same time as me. It almost brings the studio feel that I loved into a virtual setting, and it’s awesome.

• Following Friends

A cool feature of Peloton is that you can follow friends who also own a bike and see their workouts! I love snooping to see what classes and instructors my friends are loving. It always motivates me to try something new and different!


“I won’t use it as much as I think I will.”


Here’s the thing: no matter how convenient a workout is, I’ve found you have to be self-motivated to actually do it. With a Peloton, it’s no different.

I have surprised myself with actually using it more than I had anticipated! Why? Because not only is it sitting right there in my house, but there are also lots of different class-lengths to choose from as well. For example, I love to do a full 45-minute ride every day. After four of those in a row last week, I didn’t anticipate wanting to do a fifth. But that day I realized a shorter 30-minute ride, at 9:30 pm, was just what I was wanting. No having to sign up for a class, fight 30 minutes of traffic there and back, etc. Pure convenience!

I also know I use it as much as I do because I genuinely love spin class. It’s fun for me! And here’s the thing: I simply won’t do a workout I do not enjoy. So if you don’t genuinely enjoy spin, I don’t think a Peloton is for you. But since I love it so much, it’s turned into my favorite part of the day!


I’ll miss the in-studio experience.”


Here’s the thing, friends. I do. I miss the in-studio experience of spin class (specifically my Dallas SoulCycle crew!) so, so much.

I miss the group mentality and energy. I miss instructors knowing me personally and physically pushing up my resistance for me when I thought I had hit my max. (Here’s looking at you, Kevin!) I miss the friendships formed and the familiar faces I’d see class after class. The in-person experience is something you really can’t replicate perfectly, as hard as you may try.

I absolutely do miss the in-studio experience.

But the reason the Peloton has made so much sense for me is that I now don’t live anywhere near a spin studio, much less a SoulCycle. Also, being self-employed with a husband in residency, I LOVE having the freedom to take a class whenever my random schedule allows… whether that’s at 11:30 am on a Tuesday or 10 pm on a Friday night. And I will say, for being a virtual experience, Peloton does a great job of still making you feel a “part” of each class – whether you’re taking it live or as a recorded class.


Final Thoughts


So all that being said, I absolutely LOVE my Peloton. All ten days I’ve had with it. :)

Ever since I moved to Gainesville, FL, I’ve struggled to find a workout routine. Like I mentioned, I won’t work out unless it’s something I truly love… and the classes I found that I love here in Gainesville are a 30-minute drive from my house. And let’s be real. I’m never going to be the girl who enjoys a 5 mile run through the neighborhood. (But man would that make my life so much simpler! #jealous)

The Peloton has allowed me to get back into a consistent workout routine, exercising in a way I love while getting a great workout in at the same time. It’s given me back that daily pride of challenging myself mentally and physically. It’s given me the flexibility to workout at whatever time and at whatever intensity level I need. It’s given me an opportunity for daily movement and interaction in an oftentimes-isolating job.

It’s been one of the best gifts I’ve ever received, and I’m so excited this is just the beginning!

I look forward to continuing to update you all on my Peloton journey. If you have any questions you’d like answered down the line, let me know in the comments! And don’t forget, I’m all ears for your favorite class and instructor recommendations!

Love from the Sunshine State,


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lights, camera…

VLOG // getting out of a funk

This past Sunday, I decided to do something incredibly random. What, you might ask? VLOG! Andrew and I had a pretty unusual but much needed and restful Sunday this weekend, and I decided to document it in an effort to get myself out of the creative rut I’ve been in. I hope you enjoy!

The past couple of months have been… weird, if I’m being honest. A big move (not to mention life change #marriage) coupled with a TON of back-to-back travel throughout October/November has left me feeling pretty exhausted and very much uninspired.

Some of you may have had no idea, but some of you may have noticed in the amount of content I’ve been creating as of late. I haven’t been feeling the same surge of excitement and creativity towards this space that I usually do, and as I’ve spent time processing everything and figuring out why, I’m realizing it’s because I’ve taken the past couple of months a little too far. I love the go-go-go lifestyle, and didn’t realize what I really needed was to slow things down and rest this season!

Can anyone relate?

So, this past Sunday, I decided to do something incredibly random. What, you might ask? VLOG! Andrew and I had a pretty unusual but much needed and restful Sunday this weekend, and I decided to document it in an effort to get myself out of the creative rut I’ve been in. My thought process? Perhaps shooting the very normal and un-glamorous would break me out of this “writers block” I’ve been experiencing! Because if I’m honest, I constantly feel the pressure to create beautiful, lovely, picture-perfect content. And I want to be able to let go of that from time to time and just get real.

A full, wonderful day and a lot of iPhone storage space later, I had not only captured my first VLOG here in Florida, but I’d also managed to reignite my love for this job and creating. Sometimes it takes doing something a little different to get you out of a funk!

So, friends, I hope you enjoy this very real, very personal, very unfiltered look at a typical, unusual, perfect Sunday here in Gainesville, Florida. As always, don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube Channel if you haven’t yet!

Did I run into Macklemore while taking blog photos? I guess you’ll have to watch the video to see. :)

Now that I’ve shared something that helped me get out of the creative rut I’ve been in, I’d love to know something. What do you do when you find yourself in a funk?

Love from the Sunshine State,


feeling glam // faux fur & sequins

If there’s ever a time for the “more is more” mentality, it’s the holiday season! No, I’m not talking about receiving gifts. :) Rather, all the fun textures, materials, fabrics and metallics we get the green light to play with this time of year!

reformation prince sequin jumpsuit
reformation prince sequin jumpsuit
reformation prince sequin jumpsuit
reformation prince sequin jumpsuit
reformation prince sequin jumpsuit
reformation prince sequin jumpsuit
reformation prince sequin jumpsuit


shop the look


JUMPSUIT reformation prince sequin jumpsuit (wearing size x-small) | JACKET bubish white faux fur jacket (wearing size small, available in this color as well) | EARRINGS kate spade faux fur drop earrings | SHOES stuart weitzman black strappy heels | BAG white faux fur shoulder bag (also available in pink and leopard)

If there’s ever a time for the “more is more” mentality, it’s the holiday season! No, I’m not talking about receiving gifts. :) Rather, all the fun textures, materials, fabrics and metallics we get the green light to play with this time of year!

I’m subscribing fully to the theory with this fabulous ensemble. If combining a lux sequined jumpsuit with faux fur everything is wrong, I do not want to be right.

No surprise here, Nordstrom had everything I needed to put together this party-ready look! I love shopping the Topshop & Trend category because it consistently curated with fab, on-trend pieces like this Reformation sequined jumpsuit. I’m obsessed with the quality and fit… so flattering and effortlessly glamorous. Perfect for your holiday parties or new years eve celebration!

When it comes to accessories, I had too much fun pulling together lots of fluffy white fun. This faux fur jacket is hands down the best I’ve ever owned. Fit can get tricky with a piece so voluminous, and this one is just right.

Not only does Nordstrom have everything you need to put together a glamorous holiday ensemble, but there are also endless gift options for that fabulous friend still on your list! Here are a few amazing gifts any gal would love to see under her tree. (Andrew, are you taking notes?!)


my glam gift list



Is anyone surprised to see my holy grail lip (color: merry rose) included in this roundup? At under $50, it’s my favorite way to gift a bit of luxury without breaking the bank! I also love these pearl earrings, which are reminiscent of the pair Andrew had made for my wedding gift. A gift like that never goes out of style.

The good news is you’re still in luck if you haven’t finished your shopping yet. Don’t forget, Nordstrom always offers free shipping & returns, along with an amazing layout of gift guides if you’re looking for more inspiration! Here’s to hoping your holiday season is filled with lots of faux fur, fun and plenty of sequins!

Love from the Sunshine State,


Thank you, Nordstrom, for sponsoring this post.

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