The second Andrew and I found out a little baby was on the way, we were dying to find out the gender! We didn’t even have the patience to wait for a reveal. Instead, we had the nurse leave us a voicemail which we listened to together. I’ll never, ever forget the moment we heard:
“Congratulations, you’re having a boy!”

pink cowboy boots // baby cowboy boots // ostrich cowboy boots (similar linked)
The crazy thing is, I’ve always pictured myself having a boy first. No reason why… it’s just what always came to mind. But when I started getting really sick during my first trimester, I had many tell me that’s usually a sign you’re having a girl. So if you had asked me what I predicted it would be, I would have truthfully told you that I had no clue.
It was so hard to keep the secret once we found out! Luckily, we had family trips with both sides planned shortly after we got the news so we were able to tell our parents and siblings in person. We ordered biodegradable poppers and had our families shoot them off. It was so fun to see their reactions, especially because most had guessed girl!
Needless to say, it is so wonderful to now share this special news with you. I’ve loved seeing all of the guesses roll in over the past few weeks… especially when I would wear something pink or blue! :)
Oh, and you didn’t think I’d leave you hanging on his name did you?
Padgitt Bradley Bowman
Andrew and I had this name picked out for our first boy before we ever even found out we were pregnant as a way to honor both of our incredible fathers. “Padgitt” (pronounced “pa-jitt”) is my father’s last name (and my maiden name) and “Bradley” is Andrew’s father’s first name. I’ve dreamed of having a little boy named Padgitt since I was a little girl, and I can’t believe it’s coming true! Now to casually personalize everything.
Slowly getting out of the weeds of morning sickness and reaching fun little milestones like this has been the sweetest thing and has definitely started to put pep back into my step. I pinky promise I’ll have more non-baby content for you soon, but in the meantime, a big thank you for letting me share this piece of my life with you!
Love from the Sunshine State,
P.S. If you have any favorite shops for classic little boy clothing, please leave them in the comments below! I haven’t purchased a single thing besides the teeny pair of cowboy boots and I am giddy to start filling up Padgitt’s closet!
Mustard and ketchup kids for sweet and casual t shirts when it’s time to play. Xxs fits around 9 months.
Florence Eiseman
Magnolia Baby
Congratulation to you and Andrew! This is such an exciting time in your life! Cherish every milestone!
I love the name! My name is my mom’s maiden name and I love having the family connection.
Ohhh! Congratulations! From a Texas boy Mama, you’ll want to shop at places like NOLA Smocked, Shrimp & Grits, Cecil & Lou, and last but not least Southern Swells makes the sweetest little tshirts that are such an easy, cute outfit!
Love the sweet announcement! I’m having my second boy and they are so fun to dress! I would highly recommend the group “ Boys Rock Smocks” on Facebook. So many sweet baby boy clothes that have only been worn once and so many great deals! We also love Honey Bee Tees, TBBC, and Baby Braithwaite!
A Littles world! Has the cutest little clothes and totally up your alley.
Congratulations! I know you and Andrew are so happy! I hope you continue to feel better and can truly enjoy every moment!
The Beaufort Bonnet Company has the most adorable traditional clothing.
I love this site, it inspires me. Live happily with your family.
I Love your blog article ! Very helpful
I love the name! My name is my mom’s maiden name and I love having the family connection.
Very nice Boots, and very nice website
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Ohhh! Congratulations! From a Texas boy Mama, you’ll want to purchase at NOLA Smocked, Shrimp & Grits, Cecil & Lou, and Southern Swells, which creates the cutest tiny tshirts for an easy, charming ensemble!
Congratulations! Andrew and I both know how joyful you two are. I hope things become better for you and that you can fully appreciate each day.
While we’re still waiting for an official reveal, it looks like the baby is going to be a girl. So far, Andrew has been calling her “Auntie Harper,” and I’ve been calling her “Sissy Harper.” And when someone asks us about the gender of our baby, we just say “Cute.”
At 13 weeks into the pregnancy, I got a call from the maternity office: “We’re ready to do your ultrasound!”
I answered, “Okay.” And then they were like, “Uh, can you hold on one second? We need to get an extra chair.”
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Congratulations to you and Andrew. I’m having my first boy and he is so fun to dress.Everytime me and my wife enjoyed so much our time with our little prince.I love this site and looking forward more article from you. Live happily with your family.
What an exciting and heartwarming update. I love how you shared the moment you found out about your baby boy—listening to the voicemail together must have been such a special experience.
This article is so warm and full of joy, from the emotional moment of finding out the baby’s gender to sharing the meaningful name, making the reader feel the happiness and excitement of the family welcoming a new member!
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