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I have been meaning to update y’all on my Peloton experience for a few weeks now! Now that we’re all spending much more time at home, I’ve received many requests for my updated thoughts on the bike after my first review. What better day than today?! Let’s dive in!
As a quick little refresher, my husband bought me a Peloton bike for my Christmas gift in early December. If you haven’t checked out my initial post, 10 Days with a Peloton Bike, it’s a great place to start!
Now that I’ve had the chance to really use my Peloton bike and observe how it fits in my normal day-to-day, I feel like I’m in a more qualified place to share my experience. Let’s start with my initial thoughts, and then answer a few questions y’all have sent in over Instagram Stories.
4 months with a peloton
My thoughts in a nutshell? I love my Peloton bike even more now than when I first got it. And I am so relieved to share that!
There was part of me that worried over time, I’d get bored of it and lose interest. Honestly, I’m sure that’s happened for riders out there! In my experience, though, incorporating a daily morning Peloton into my routine has transformed my day-to-day.
What do I love so much about this bike, now that I’ve owned it for a few moths?
Our new home here in Gainesville is about 20-30 minutes away from the closest cardio studio and full gym that I enjoy. (Huge Orange Theory fan, here!) I tried making that drive for a few months here in Gainesville, but started to find that my day simply didn’t have the bandwidth to compensate for all of that time. At least not with the work and personal life balance I was trying to strike.
Having a way to get a high-intensity cardio workout that I enjoy one room over has been a game-changer for me. As someone who has worked from home for years, it’s easy to sit down at my computer and not move for the entire day. (No coworkers to get up and talk to, no lunch breaks to go try a new spot with a friend, etc.) On my busiest days, I don’t have to sacrifice a workout because of workload… I’ve found that no matter how busy I am, I can always spare 30 minutes if I make it a priority, unlike a full hour and a half to two hours (depending on the drive) to drive to a studio.
A huge reason why I’m loving the Peloton is that it adds structure to my day. This year, I’ve decided to make routine a priority… having a routine helps me be productive, feel content and purposeful, and enjoy working from home while still transitioning to a new city.
There are obvious exceptions (when I’m traveling for example, or if I’m feeling sick) but I’ve started to start each weekday morning with exercise. Three-five times a week, that’s with my Peloton! Since I don’t have to completely disrupt my day to get a workout in, having a Peloton bike and using it consistently helps me stick to my routine and has become a habit instead of a daily decision.
I will say, when I got the bike, I was in the middle of the Christmas season. In January, I went to Rwanda for nearly two weeks, and recently traveled to Dallas. So if you were to look at my rides on paper, you wouldn’t necessarily feel that they were consistent. But for me and what was going on in my life at the time, they were!
instant mood boost and added confidence
When I was on the phone with my mom the other day, I told her “I seem to always have great days when I start them with a quiet time and a workout! If I can check off those two things, the rest of the day seems to flow really well.”
Here’s the thing. I don’t always wake up thinking “I can’t WAIT to get a hard workout in for forty-five minutes!” But I always, always feel amazing after completing a ride. No matter what the rest of my day holds, no matter how productive or unproductive it ends up being, I still feel accomplished and proud for moving my body and pushing my limits first thing every morning!
One of the keys, in my opinion, to getting the most out of your Peloton is finding classes and instructors that motivate you. I shoot for at least three 45-minute rides and two 30-minute rides a week. To challenge myself, I look for Tabata or HIIT rides. To take it easier, I enjoy pop and country rides. There’s a huge variety of classes and instructors offered… and it’s all about finding classes that give you what you need, like pushing you when you need to be pushed and giving you a way to take it down a notch when you just need to move.
When I push myself on the Peloton, I feel amazing all day afterward. Truly! And to me, that’s all the motivation I need to wake up and do it all over again.
Here’s the thing. I just love spin. Apart from dancing (and you probably don’t want to see that, hahaha) it’s my absolute favorite way to work out!
So having a way to work out in a manner in which I truly love has been the biggest blessing. I never, ever dread getting on my Peloton. No matter the class, it’s always fun to me because I genuinely enjoy spin!
That’s why, if you’re considering a Peloton, I would ask you to think about what type of workouts do you truly enjoy? Do you love to run? Are you a barre junkie? The biggest reason I think Peloton works for me is because I love to spin.
On the contrary, I hate to run. Barre is great and a killer workout, but isn’t “fun” to me like spinning is. BBG SWEAT workouts make me want to die. (Huge props to you girls who do it… I have so much respect!)
I really thing it boils down to this: If you don’t love spin, you won’t love a Peloton. I love spin, so I love my Peloton and everything it’s brought into my life!
peloton q+a
Now that I’ve given you an update on my experience with my Peloton bike, I want to answer the questions you’ve sent in about it!
It depends on what you mean by “results,” but here are some of the things I’ve experienced with my Peloton:
Greater consistency in workout out daily due to the convenience of having a Peloton bike in my home.
Greater productivity and over “happiness level” due to endorphins on the days I use my Peloton.
Greater confidence in feeling and looking strong and fit when I combine consistent Peloton rides with healthy, mindful eating.
“What’s your favorite workout on the Peloton?”
Currently, I am loving “30-minute pop rides” with Ally Love! I typically select a challenging 45-minute class on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so I treat myself to these shorter classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They are always so much fun (the music is great!) and upbeat. Ally Love puts you in the best mood. She’s so positive and inspiring, and she doesn’t take herself too seriously!
“On average, what would you say the price per ride is? Or how long until you break even?”
This will 100% vary from person to person, depending on how much you use your Peloton and what class/membership price you’re comparing it to. Let’s look at it through the lens of one year. If you were to add up the total cost of the basic bike package ($2,245 for the bike only) and the monthly subscription fee ($39/month) and divide it over twelve months, you’re looking at about $225 a month. Keep in mind, that’s paying off the bike in twelve months, but Peloton offers 39-month plans.
That $225 a month is roughly equivalent to:
6 SoulCycle classes a month
8 FlyWheel classes
10 CycleBar classes a month
Keep in mind, studio prices vary by location. This is just to give you a general idea!
“How do you stay motivated to use it?”
My strongest motivation for using my Peloton is thinking about how amazing I feel afterward. Those post-workout endorphins are no joke! It sounds dramatic, but my day is so much better when I start it off with a good sweat.
Peloton also does a great job of motivating you by keeping track of your “streaks.” For example, I love seeing that I have a “9 week streak” going because I’ve taken at least one class a week over the past nine weeks.
I also love having insights into the analytics behind my workouts. I take the “12 minute Orange Theory” mentality and try to make sure my heart rate stays in the orange and red zone for at least 12 minutes of each workout.
The bottom line is, though, I genuinely enjoy spin. If I hated spin class (like I hate running) I can promise I would have a far harder time being consistent. I really believe it’s all about finding a workout you enjoy. Spin is that for me!
“Do you add your own choreography? Huge SoulCycle fan and miss choreography.”
Yes, I’ve actually recently started doing this! I’m with you, the “dance party” feel of SoulCycle was my favorite. Even though some Peloton classes do incorporate choreography (look for “Groove” rides) I’ve found they’re nowhere near the level of SoulCycle. (If you ever took a Dallas Soulcycle class by Hayes or Kevin you know what I mean!) So I throw in my own sequence of tapbacks, pushups, etc. into my rides! It’s not the same as doing it in tandem with an entire class, but it is still fun and let’s me pretend I’m an instructor – ha!
“Does Andrew use it too?”
He hasn’t yet, but he’s planning to! I bought him a pair of shoes for Christmas. He’s been studying non-stop for a bit ophthalmology exam this weekend, and is planning on starting to use it after he gets that behind him!
“How do you get variety in your Peloton workouts?”
The great thing about Peloton is that they have so many different types of classes. When I’m really looking for a kick in the rear, I take a Tabata class. When I’m wanting to get a great workout in while also having a lot of fun, I choose a Pop class. When I’m wanting to move but not really push it, I opt for a Country ride.
Having a monthly subscription to Peloton also gives you access to tons of off-the-bike classes, like yoga, arms, abs, etc. I’ve personally been loving getting more into yoga lately, especially with everything going on!
“Who are your favorite instructors?”
So far:
Ally Love has been my absolute favorite! She is always upbeat, and inspirational and consistently pushes me. She’s also a believer, and her “Sunday’s With Love” rides have been some of my favorites. (They usually incorporate worship music!) Her classes leave you feeling exhausted but inspired and grateful. It’s always hard for me to choose a different instructor because I enjoy her classes so much! The hardest Peloton class I’ve ever taken was one of her 45-minute Tabata class. Whew.
Cody Rigsby is great for high-energy fun. His “Groove” classes remind me of SoulCycle, and he constantly makes me laugh.
Alex Toussant is my go-to for rides that incorporate arms. He’s incredibly positive, has a great, likable, motivating personality, and always incorporates great music into his rides.
Emma Lovewell is a new one for me. I took one of her classes for the first time this week, and definitely plan to take more! She has a deep, soulful vibe and incorporated a bunch of new-to-me music into her rides.
“Did you find it challenging at first?”
Do I find the classes challenging? Absolutely! But did I find it challenging to get the hang of the Peloton bike? No. The format is very similar to every other in-studio class I’ve done. If you’ve taken spin classes before, it shouldn’t be that big of a learning curve at all! If you’re totally new to spin, though, I think it would definitely take a little bit of time to get the hang of.
“How big is it?! I really want one but live in an apartment.”
I found this great article on the exact dimensions of the bike. Right now, it’s sitting in Andrew’s uncompleted study. I’m not sure exactly where I’ll put it once we furnish and decorate the room! The Peloton website says this: “The Peloton Bike has a compact, 4′ x 2′ footprint and fits nicely in living-rooms, offices, bedrooms, and home-gyms.“
“Do you use it every day?”
No, not every day! That was never my goal. I aim for 3-5 times a week and give myself the weekend “off” but usually end up doing a ride or two just because I enjoy them so much!
“Is it worth the money or are there dupes that are just as good?”
For me, personally, it’s definitely worth the money, but I think that’s something everyone needs to decide for themself! If you don’t want to buy the Peloton bike, you could buy a normal stationary bike and subscribe to the Peloton app ($39/month) and the classes on your phone or tablet! If anyone has a recommendation for a similar, less expensive bike, I’d love to know and share with y’all!
(And just so y’all know, SoulCycle recently revealed they will be releasing an at-home bike as well! Here are the details.)
“Do you use the other classes like arms, core, yoga, etc?”
While I definitely use the spin classes the most, I have taken a few stretching classes and arm classes. They’re great! I’ve also been using the app to take a few yoga classes and have really enjoyed those. I wouldn’t necessarily get the bike to have accesses to those (I really love the Obe streaming service, you can use the code LONESTAR for $10 off your first month, and it’s a bit cheaper) but they’re a nice add-on!
“Shipping time?”
Good question! Here is the page that addresses that.
“After you pay the price of the bike, how much is your monthly membership?”
A monthly Peloton membership is $39/month.
“Do you like to ride with or without the leaderboard? I don’t really like the social comparison!”
I’ve done, and enjoyed, both! It just depends on my mood. I love seeing my personal record and trying to beat it, and it’s always fun to have a little healthy competition with other riders taking the class the same time you are! I’m also super cheesy and love the ability to give virtual high-fives. But, if you don’t want the pressure, you can easily swipe the leaderboard away so you don’t see it! I do that from time to time when I just want to zone in and not worry about anyone else.
“Is it more difficult to motivate yourself to workout at home vs. having to show up for a class?”
For me, it’s actually much easier to motivate myself to workout at home than to commit the time I need to drive to a studio and back. But, as I’ve said before, I think that’s because I genuinely enjoy the classes. Knowing that I can get a killer workout in no matter how much time I have available (there are rides from 5-90 minutes long) leaves me with zero excuses. I also really like the fact that I’m not losing money if, for whatever reason, I don’t take a class. I’m much more motivated by how great I feel when I workout than I am from losing money, but that’s just me! Everyone is different.
“Would you recommend a Peloton over a traditional gym membership?”
This is a tough one, because it truly depends on the person. I actually kept my gym membership in case I realized I wanted to switch things up, but in four months I’ve only been back twice. And they were both for this one dance class I love! Needless to say, I’m actually going to cancel my gym membership now that I have a Peloton. Again, it definitely depends on the person and what type of workouts you enjoy.
“Do you get bored with just doing cycle rides?”
No, I really don’t! That’s because spinning is my favorite form of cardio. I’ve actually started taking Pilates as well, but that was because a studio opened nearby and I wanted a social outlet. That’s not to say I never will get bored with cycling. I think everyone goes through phases. For me, personally, I keep coming back to it.
“How does it compare to the in-person class experience?”
Again, this depends on what in-person spin studio you’re comparing it to. For SoulCycle, Peloton is similar in the sense that you’re getting a great, high-energy spin workout in with a charismatic instructor. Classes, however, are sometimes formatted differently. For example, SoulCycle has a pretty standard format for every class… full on cardio for the first 3/4ths of the ride, then five or so minutes of arms, then two more songs and a cooldown. Peloton offers lots of different class formats, though, from HIIT to Tabata and much more. That being said, you really can’t reproduce the special energy and comradery of an in-person class online. I’ve found that isn’t a deal-breaker by any means, but I do miss it!
“Is it beginner-friendly? No spin studios near me but it seems right up my alley!”
I would say yes in the sense that a beginner could definitely figure a Peloton bike out, but I would not recommend buying a Peloton bike until you’ve taken enough spin classes to learn whether or not it’s a form of exercise you love! In fact, I would only suggest getting a Peloton if you love spinning! If you’re curious, I’d recommend signing up for a free trial of the app and using a stationary bike (once we are past COVID-19) to get a feel for the classes before committing.
“Do you still love it and think it’s worth it?”
100%! I actually have started to love it more and more as I’ve seen the impact using it consistently it makes on the rest of my day.
“How do you motivate yourself when working out alone?”
- I set aside a time each day for it. For example, I know that after my quiet time, I will take a Peloton class before doing anything else. Making it a non-negotiable, scheduled part of my day keeps me consistent!
- If I’m wavering, I remind myself how amazing I feel after each class.
- I keep track of my heart rate, calories burned, and position on the leaderboard to inspire me to push harder.
- I check-in and see what classes my friends are taking and how often they’re taking them for a bit of healthy competition.
- If I’m feeling totally uninspired, I try a class format or instructor I’ve never tried before to switch things up!
- I make a weekly goal. “This week, given my schedule, I want to work out X amount of times.” Giving it forethought and being realistic about what’s on your plate really helps!
“How do you pick different teachers?”
Peloton recommends different rides based on your preferences, so every once in a while I switch things up and try someone new! I also rely on recommendations from friends and from y’all. Let me know your favorites!
“Does it bulk up the thighs?”
Not in my experience!
“Is there a good place to buy a used Peloton bike from?”
That’s a great question. I’d imagine eBay and Craigs List are good places to check. Keep in mind, though, a used bike won’t come with setup!
“Do you get the same hype as in a gym class?”
Unfortunately, no. There’s nothing like the energy in a spin studio! (Especially PRST SoulCycle!) I still have tones of fun in the classes, but I do miss the feeling of community SoulCycle, and I’m sure many other spin studios, provide!
“Can you adjust it based on height?”
Yes! The setup instructions are helpful in making sure you properly set up your bike. I’m sure there are lots of great YouTube videos, too!
“What package did you get?”
Andrew gifted me with “The Works” package. It comes with not only the bike, but shoes, weights, headphones, a mat, and a heartrate monitor as well.
“Did you pay in full to get the bike or did you use the payment plan? Debating on which to do.”
That’s a great question – I just asked Andrew and he said he bought it outright. I’m always inclined to pay-in-full when possible so as to not incur debt.
“Do you play music during the workout or just listen to the instructor?”
All of the classes are set to music, so you don’t need to use your own!
“Tips for beginners, please.”
Be patient with yourself! When I took my first spin class, I walked out feeling so defeated. Everything felt way too fast-paced, and I couldn’t figure out many of the forms or moves. I even had trouble clipping and unclipping onto the bike! After a few consistent classes, though, I started to get the hang of it. Before I knew it, I was addicted! So give yourself time, and use your analytics to see how you improve each ride!
Also, don’t sell yourself short! I try to set my resistance at the heaviest recommended. Sometimes I have too let off a bit of resistance because it’s just too much, but tjat strategy always ensures that I’m giving my max!
“What are the payment options?”
Here is the Peloton page with payment information. It looks like you can either purchase the bike up-front or qualify for as low as $62/mo for 39 months with 0% APR.
“Is it tricker to motivate yourself since you don’t lose money on a missed class?”
Not for me! It actually really annoyed me when I’d lose money for missing a class, even though I 100% understand why studios do this! I’m more motivated by how great it makes me feel and the sense of accomplishment I know I’ll feel afterwards.
“What’s your working schedule? Number of days working out, mix of floor vs. spin, etc.”
It varies based on what I have going on, but this is what a best-case scenario week looks like for me:
Monday // 45 minute Peloton Ride
Tuesday // 30 minute Peloton Ride + Pilates class
Wednesday // 45 minute Peloton Ride
Thursday // 30 minute Peloton Ride + Pilates class
Friday or Sunday // 45 minute Peloton Ride
I like to throw in a yoga class when I’m feeling overwhelmed, or like I just need to stretch and breathe. I’d say I do yoga once a week.
“Do you pick classes based on instructor and music like me?”
Sometimes! I tend to pick classes based on A) the amount of time I’m wanting to workout and B) the difficulty level I’m looking for.
“I love SoulCycle and loved Peloton at first but got bored of it. Tips?”
I think getting bored with any workout is 100% normal. I even burnt out of SoulCycle for a little bit! My advice? Try finding some other form of exercise you enjoy in the meantime, and make a goal to use your Peloton at least once a week. Switch up the type of class and instructor you take so you can find something new and fun! Also, if you have friends on the Peloton app, use them to keep you accountable. You could all decide to take a class virtually on a certain day of the week, for example!
“What’s your username?”
I’m currently debating whether or not I want to share it. I’ll let y’all know if I decide to!
“How does it compare to SoulCycle?”
I would say that if you let them, Peloton classes can be just as fun and challenging as SoulCycle. I will say, though, Peloton hasn’t been able to recreate the amazing community feel that I loved so much at SoulCycle. There’s also something about the instructor knowing you personally that gives you an extra boost of motivation that’s hard to manufacture virtually.
“Can someone non-athletic use it?”
Totally! The great thing is you can set resistance levels at a place that work for you, and gradually build as you get stronger! It’s also nice that since you’re by yourself, you can take things slower if you need to without feeling super conspicuous.
“After having it for a couple of months do you still love it as much as you did at the beginning?”
I love it even more than I did at the beginning!
“What to know before purchasing and any surprises (good or bad) after having it for a few months?”
I think my Peloton bike has been pretty much what I expected it would be. The one thing that has surprised me, though, is how heavy it is! I was under the impression you could easily move it around. Not so! A good surprise? How in-depth the analytics are! I love geeking out and delving into my metrics after each workout.
“Do you feel like you need to do strength training for upper body as well as doing the bike?”
I think it’s always great to make sure you’re getting a well-rounded workout! I supplement spinning with Pilates and have loved the combination. Even before I had my Peloton, I liked to combine cardio classes (like Orange Theory) with more strength-based classes (like barre.)
“I’m worried I’ll get bored and stop using it after a while! Was this a concern for you?”
It definitely was a concern for me! It all comes down to your level of commitment, and that’s an important thing to think through. I’ve found that I use it even more than I thought I would! Even on days when I’m not “feeling it,” I push myself to do even a short ride. Anything to get moving!
“How is the sound/video quality?”
It’s amazing! In the four months that I’ve had the bike, I’ve had issues twice. Once was streaming quality during a live ride (it paused randomly and took a few moments to synch bjack up)
“Would you still love it if SoulCycle was close by? Do you miss the class atmosphere?”
To be honest, I don’t think I would have gotten a Peloton bike if there was, in fact, a SoulCycle was close by. I think I would have still “wanted it” in theory, but wouldn’t have actually pulled the trigger. I miss SoulCycle so much, but that’s because the studio became so much more for me than just a workout! The Dallas team and community of riders was so amazing, and there’s a special synergy there that I hate missing out on. If you have the ability to join a local studio you love, I’d highly recommend it!
“Are the shoes comfortable?”
Yes! I haven’t had any issues with them whatsoever. I ordered these non-Peloton cycling shoes for Andrew and will update y’all on how he likes them!
“What is your preferred class length?”
I think the 45-minute classes give me the best, most effective workout!
“Favorite non-bike classes?”
I haven’t taken a ton, but I have loved the handful of yoga classes I’ve done thus far.
“Do you feel like you get as good of a workout as you were in an actual studio?”
This is a hard question because I never measured my metrics at SoulCycle. I’m tempted to think that yes, I do, but only because I really give it my all each class! If you wanted to, you could slack off, but that just feels like a waste of time to me. It all boils down to you and your personal drive/motivation, but know that the Peloton classes are incredibly challenging and really give you an amazing workout if you buy in and go all-out!
All in all, I am loving my Peloton bike even more now than when I first got it. I’m seeing how consistent, daily exercise directly impacts mood and self-esteem, and I can’t get enough of it!
I hope this Peloton bike review was helpful for you, friends! If you have any more questions, or a class or instructor you recommend, leave them in the comments below!
Love from the Sunshine State,
Enjoyed your review of the bike. I subscribe to the app and use it with my treadmill. The bike has always been a want just waiting to finally bite the bullet. I also love giving high fives! 😊
Thank you for the detailed review and answering all those questions! It helps having a trustworthy point of view when making the “to buy or not to buy” decision! 💕
Thanks for sharing! I’ve been on the fence about getting a Peloton for a while now, and obviously now I wish I had gotten one over Christmas! I’m still laughing at how it was such a controversial x-mas gift and now it’s like everyone who has one is saying “thank goodness I can still workout from home!”
stay safe!
Love this review— are you able to mute their provided music if you wanted? (Without muting the instructor?) Also can you turn subtitles on for the instructor’s commands?
Just curious! I have a fancy road bike with a regular “dumb trainer” I use on Zwift so wouldn’t probably get a Peloton but if it had the features above then maybe someday. My road bike riding indoors on my trainer has bulked up my thighs sadly!
Thanks for all the info. :)
Thank you for such a thorough review! I’ve been debating about getting a Peloton for a bit and now with the release of the SoulCycle at-home bike, I am really torn! Would you still have gotten the Peloton bike if you knew SoulCycle would be releasing an at-home version? I would really appreciate your thoughts! Thank you!
I’ve had a peloton for 3 months and would love to offer a different perspective – I completely disagree that you need to like spin classes to enjoy peloton! I hated spin classes, but peloton is so different to me. In a spin class, you’re surrounded by people who are very athletic and the instructors cater to that audience. For me, this often meant pushing myself too hard and getting asthma attacks because I hadn’t properly warmed up. Peloton is far more beginner-friendly and instead of feeling bad or like I’m wasting my time when I slack off a bit, I’m kinder to myself and listen to my body. I can also see my heart rate, which shows me I’m not slacking off after all in most cases even if I can’t keep up with what the instructor says. I’m also someone who didn’t feel like I gained much by being with other people in spin classes.
It isn’t 39 a month for peloton classes when you use a tablet or app. It’s only 13 a month. I like your information though .
I would never ever buy a Peloton bike again. Won’t take it back for whatever reason after thirty days.. Firm in that. Customer Service only says we are sorry and I don’t know. Tells you twice a manager will call back within a certain time frame. I am still waiting! Hey Peleton if you make a promise to a customer… Especially one that’s already mad and angry with you you might want to keep that promise. Ugh….
What shoes are you using for this? Tried it in my soft-sole running shoes and it wasn’t pleasant at all after…
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