TOP pink ruffled top (comes in so many adorable colors!) | JEANS high waisted relaxed crop jeans | HEADBAND pink headband | WATCH michele gold deco watch | BAG chanel coco top handle medium bag | SHOES chanel ballet flats (similar here) | EARRINGS white floral lisi lerch earrings
With each passing year, I become more and more convinced of this: no matter what is “in style,” wear what makes you happy. It’s by no means a groundbreaking or even original thought, but nevertheless, one that is so important to remember especially in today’s world of instant access to “what everyone else is doing” and all-too-easy comparison.
I’ve been thinking a lot about this “anti-Millenial” style push brought about by TikTok. (Which, by the way, is an app I’m still not on and honestly feel a lot of freedom in that, haha!) If you have no idea what I’m talking about, here it is in a nutshell: a couple of weeks ago a group of teens decided that side-parts and skinny jeans were decidedly out. It meant you were old, irrelevant, and definitely not fashionable. And the internet freaked out.
When I first heard about it, I laughed to myself. After all, my side part is as deep as the Mississippi River and you’ve never seen a more expansive skinny jean collection than mine. But what surprised me was how seriously people everywhere were starting to take it. I even got a few messages to the tune of… “Can I really not wear my skinny jeans anymore? Do I have to try a side-part now?!”
I know this Millenial style diss is nothing more than a quick internet fad, but I’m honestly sad at the wave it made. Because, quite frankly, I don’t care one bit about what teenagers think of my side part or skinny jeans. And neither should you!
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve looked around a room and heard that little voice pop into my head telling me I definitely didn’t fit in. Too much color. Too preppy. Too this or that… the list goes on. But after being raised to understand it’s ok not to fit in and, if we’re honest, spending plenty of awkward teenage years experiencing how draining it is to try to fit the mold, I’ve finally mastered the art of telling that little voice to go away. And that has been so freeing!
The beauty of those years spent feeling out of place is they paved the way to the job I get to do now… blogging! After all, I felt a bit too “preppy” for my college environment and wanted a space to share that. Now, I get to share what I love even when it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.
All this rambling to say, I really hate to see any trend that pressures everyone to look alike, dress alike, style their hair alike, etc. You’re telling me we all need to have the same hair and the same pair of jeans, now, in order to be in-style? I don’t know about you, but for a young and upcoming generation, that seems like a very old-fashioned view.
What if instead of fretting if our part was too deep, we modeled the confidence and happiness that comes from being ourselves to a world and society that will always be telling us we’re missing the mark and don’t fit in. I don’t want to spoil it for the Gen Zers out there, but I can’t wait for them to hopefully experience that same freedom a few years down the road when they find themselves in the same boat we’re in. :)
I don’t mean to rag on the youngins. If middle parts and baggy jeans make them feel good, then I’m all for them! I just want to be one voice that reminds you to wear what makes you happy, no matter what anyone else thinks. And while you’re rocking it, I’ll be over here in my head-to-toe pink ensemble cheering you on!
Love from skinny jeans and side-part loving,
Ha Ha Ha!! I’m not on TikTok either. Now I understand why @emilyoandbows said she could no longer wear skinny jeans. I thought Miami was forbidding it for some reason.
Now you guys can relate to us old folk who were heartbroken by the rebellion against “mom jeans”.
Love your thoughts on wearing what makes you happy!! Your choices are always adorable Kate!!
🙌🏼 Preach!! Love this sentiment, Kate!!
Hey Kate! I’m Gen Z, and i’ve been following you for quite a bit and I just wanted to clear a few things up. I truly don’t think that the majority of Gen Z is “anti- millennial”, i think that there was a joke that the style changed and it was taken wayyy too far. what most of the videos i’ve seen about it was a reaction to the reaction. there was even a song made up called “Gen Z you can suck it”. I think that it started as a not very nice joke and it was taken as an attack. (By the way, i love me a good pair of skinny jeans and i’ve been rocking my middle part since middle school😂) Hope this helps to clear things up!
This outfit is absolutely gorgeous Kate!! :) I love the double pink! I am also not on TikTok and have no desire to be… I am sure some of the content on there is great, but so much of it seems like stuff I just wouldn’t get into. Like this whole Gen Z fashion debate! Haha.
xoxo A
love this fun look on you! What lipgloss/lipstick are you wearing it is gorgeous!!!
Love this, Kate! Being a Gen-Z member myself, I definitely stick out in my side parts, skinny jean, and Lilly Pulitzer galore. Cheers to individual style, and long live skinny jeans!
Well said and totally agree with you. The part I never enjoyed about fashion is the sentiment of you had to be wearing the latest and greatest to be considered in style. But to be honest, I enjoy seeing more of the women that are just confident in their skin to wear what truly feels good to them. There is a certain freedom and confidence that comes with it. I love your pink top. So fun, bold and vibrant!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
“I just want to be one voice that reminds you to wear what makes you happy, no matter what anyone else thinks.” <– rock on!
Well said.
Fashion and personal style can be similar but not synonyms. As we age and hopefully wise up we can learn what works for us clothing wise and how to incorporate new elements.
This outfit is so stunning! I love the ruffled shoulders.
Thanks for sharing this information. Glad to read this post.
I m totally in love with this fun look. These raffle top is what i need the most now! You are so right in saying that wear whatever feels good to you. You go girl!!
This is such a fantastic look on you! What lipstick/lipgloss are you wearing? It’s stunning!!!
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