Hippy hoppy Friday, friends! Today, I wanted to catch you up on life a wee bit, and I figured an Insta recap would be the best way to kick that off! Below, you’ll find my latest Instas from @LonestarSouthern along with all of their details. (If you haven’t registered for LIKEtoKNOW.it yet, that’s a great way to get details automatically whenever I post a new pic!) Scroll below to find the part where I ramble. Because rambling is something I’m rather good at. You’ve been warned.

The month of August has flown by, and I always feel bittersweet about it coming to an end. On the one hand, I hate that summer is wrapping up… this one has been one of my absolute favorites, and it will be missed. But on the other hand, I love the routine and normalcy that fall brings. Summer has been go-go-go for me this year, and while that has been lots of fun, it’s also been exhausting! I think more than anything, I’m just excited for “normal life” to kick in as fall rolls around the corner. Know what I mean?
It’s also crazy to think that I’ll now be adjusting to “post grad” life. This summer didn’t feel that way, since most friends were traveling and hadn’t settled down into their full time jobs. Now, though, everyone has finally trickled into their retrospective cities, and things are feeling a lot more “adult.” I’m thrilled that a few wonderful friends from UT have made the move to Dallas. A few of us went out for dinner last night (did you see my snap @lonestarsnaps?) and realizing that these girls were here to stay, and that we’ll all be transitioning together, brought me SO much joy.
I’m also really, really excited/in a state of disbelief in sharing with y’all that I’m blogging full time now! I didn’t realize blogging was even a thing, much less a way people can earn a living, until that fateful public relations class sophomore year. (Huge shoutout to you, Prof. Junker!) The absolute and only reason I’m able to do this is because each of you decide to visit this little site and care enough to keep coming back, and because the Lord has graciously shown me that “Yep, this is good for now.” You actually mean the world, and being grateful doesn’t even begin to cut it! I am so excited to be able to dedicate my time and energy to this little blog now, and can’t wait to bring you new, fun things all the more often because of it!
Finally… I want to address something that I’ve been getting a few questions on over the past few months… “Are you and Jeff still dating?” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat down to write out an answer here. But the timing never seemed right, the words never seemed eloquent enough, and the courage required to hit “publish” was never there. I knew my deepest desire in sharing this would be to share what I’ve been learning in it, and the pressure to do that in the perfect way stopped me in my tracks a few times.
For some reason, though, as I sat down to write this post today, it felt right. So I won’t put it off any longer. The answer to that question is no. Jeff and I no longer are dating.
That’s a hard sentence to type out, because as many of you know, Jeff was a huge and wonderful part of my life for so long. But as the Lord has been faithfully showing me, and as the Lord faithfully showed both of us throughout the whole process, there is nothing more wonderful than following Him.
After dating for over three years, Jeff and I realized through a lot of prayer that after having led us alongside one another for so long, the Lord was leading us in different directions. Man. That was a hard, hard realization. But here’s the amazing part. The Lord was only gracious and only loving in how He led us to that point.
Jeff and I were able to part without an ounce of anger, bitterness or resentment towards one another and instead, with all the love and gratitude and admiration in the world towards each other for the huge blessing we’d been in each other’s lives. It wasn’t a fight, a fallout or a betrayal… it was a decision we made together after the Lord made it so clear it’s what He wanted from both of us at this time.
I’m learning that so often, what the Lord asks of us is hard. It may not make complete sense at the time, it may involve pain and it may involve a different direction than the one you thought you were going to walk down. But what the Lord asks of us is absolutely worth it.
It’s absolutely worth it to put your life in the hands of the One who made you, the One who desperately loves you and the One wants only good for you.
That good, surprise surprise, doesn’t always look how I want it to. But time and time again He’s proved himself faithful to me… that He knows what is good for me better than I do. My only job is to trust and to follow Him instead of my own understanding, especially in the difficult and confusing times.
I think the temptation at this point in life is to kinda freak out… not knowing exactly what this next year, or even the next few months, has in store can overwhelm me if I think about it too much. Those are the moments I have to remind myself that luckily, I’m not on my own. Luckily, I don’t have to have it all figured out!
That’s the joy of having a relationship with Christ, y’all. It makes life much more calm knowing I’m in His hands, and it makes facing the unknown do-able, knowing He knows what I do not. For those of us who have our foundation built on Him, we have the assurance of knowing nothing can shake that. THAT is a blessing, no matter what season we find ourselves in.
So there you have it… the longest post I’ve written by far. If there’s one takeaway I hope you get from Jeff and I’s story, it’s that we chose to put our trust in and to follow the Lord. In doing that, He proved himself faithful every single step of our relationship, even in it’s close. I don’t have my life together, I don’t have it all figured out, and there’s SO much I don’t know… BUT in the midst of all of that, I have found JOY and PEACE in following Him. And that joy and peace is available to you, as well.
My hope is that if nothing else, today’s post serves as a reminder that when scary or painful or unforeseen things happen in your life, you can rely on someone much bigger than yourself and someone much bigger than your circumstances. Lean on Him, y’all. I am doing so, and I can tell you that it’s so worth it.
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.
Love from Texas,
Your post is very heartfelt and eloquent. Change is always hard, but you’re right, God always has a reason to lead you a certain way, and eventually the reason will be perfectly clear! Good luck with blogging full time! We all enjoyed meeting you in Austin at the Teen Vogue event. Hope you fall brings all great things!
I can’t wait to see the direction your blog takes now that you’re going to be working on it full time. Hard to imagine it getting any better :)
Thanks for sharing such a personal detail of your life. I know it makes your readers feel more connected, and it is refreshing to see your positive outlook on your current situation. Breakups are SOOO painful, but I am sure that your words will help others! :)
I always love seeing your Instagrams Kate! Congrats on starting to blog full time!
I really loved your honesty in this post and your trust and dependence on the Lord is inspiring!!
I loved reading this, Kate! I love how honest you are. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors. Xx Sara
Thank you for posting such an eloquent and thoughtful post. I recently graduated college, ended a 3 year relationship and have been terrified at the thought of what’s coming next just like you. Reading your words brought some joy to my heart and know they are probably bringing more joy to others as well! Keep on keeping on, and cheers to keeping our faith entrusted in Him! ❤️ God Bless!
Love everything about this post! So glad you have your faith and a relationship with the Lord to give perspective on difficult times. Best of luck blogging full time!
Just what I needed to hear. Thanks for sharing! Post grad-life is hard and you have to take it day by day, where as college seemed like a big picture of just getting through classes and graduating. That in itself was an adjustment for me. Good luck to you this year! Can’t wait to see what else the Lord does for you.
You are beuatiful inside and out…Truly!
Kate, you are such an inspiration! I’m positive that the Lord has many blessings in store for you. Congratulations on your recent graduation and may you have the best luck in going forward with your life. I thoroughly enjoy reading your blogs, watching your snapchat stories, and drooling over your perfect outfits on Instagram. I know that this was a very hard thing for you to post, but I think I speak for your entire audience when I say that I truly appreciate your honesty with us!
Adore this post beyond words! I just graduated too and in the “adult” world now despite not feeling like one at all! It’s been a rough (and ongoing) transition. I try to think that I’m progressing slightly each day but some days are harder than others. Best of luck to you Kate! I know you’ll continue to do great things!!
Xo Katie
I admire your courage and your ability to trust in the Lord with your post-grad transition and your relationship. I’ve been a long-time follower and I’m so excited to see that you’ll be blogging full-time. There truly is no one better than the Lord to lean on and to seek our worth from. Thank you for the encouragement :)
Your reliance on your faith during a season of change in your life is a testament for all! Thank you for sharing and continuing to be a breath of fresh air and a light in this world!
Thanks for sharing Kate—I love your perspective on life! So excited for you to begin this next chapter ! XX
Thank you so much for sharing your heartfelt story, it has completely turned my day around. I have been struggling with my trust In the lord and reading your kind words and heartfelt sentiments has reassured me that the lord is always faithful! Thank you so much, and God bless you!
Love your monthly recaps Kate & congrats on blogging full time now! That is an amazing blessing.
xx. The Coastal Confidence
I loved reading this. I am glad you are in a good place and moving forward. :)
xoxoBella | http://xoxobella.com
This is by far by favorite blog posts of yours. My boyfriend and I, of four years, recently split for the same reason. Life and God we’re taking us in different directions. It’s one of the hardest things, but I know your strength and faith in God will help in this time.
For the last 3 years your blog has given me the best inspiration! Not only for super cute and colorful outfits, but in how to be a better person :) I can’t wait to see what happens for you in the future!
Thank you SO much for sharing this. This is something that really resonates with me and I am so appreciative of you words. When we are presented with challenges we learn just how strong we really are.
I am so so proud of you! I have been following along for about a year and a half and have adored every post. This post especially touched my heart though, even made me shed a tear or two (happy tears though). I am so thrilled to see the Lord working in such amazing ways in your life! He really is just too good to us. I cannot wait to see what is in store for your future!
Thank you so much for sharing…I have gone through something similar and the transition is hard at first but it does get easier. I am so excited to follow along and see the direction your blog will take now that you are working on it full time!!
Love absolutely everything about this, and can relate 100%. Just moved to Dallas as well AND ending a long relationship as well as starting a new career. Such a great reminder to put that trust in Christ when you don’t know what’s next!
This post couldn’t have come at a more perfect time! I am just about to start my senior year in high school and this are the words I needed to hear! I am so glad you have put all your faith in Him. God bless, Phoebe
Love to see glory to God through blog! Very encouraging to know my blog (I’m hust starting out) can bring praise and honor to Him who gave me the abilities to make a blog
I have recently started reading your blog & after reading this today, it only confirms that God knows exactly what we need & when we need it. Your words were needed! Your light truly shines from within & I can’t wait to see more of your awe inspiring blog!!
Please do more posts like this! This blog post is so encouraging and reading your love for the Lord is awesome! You are such an inspiration and i’m so glad you are able to blog full time! <3
Thank you for sharing your heart. What a great reminder to trust in Him during this crazy season in my life, and always! You’re a sweetheart and I love reading your blog, watching your snaps!
This post is great. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments! Love all of these outfits.
Phyllis | http://www.prettypleese.com
Such a wonderful and positive post! You are always so kind and lighthearted, it is truly inspiring. There is no better influence than someone who turns a possible negative situation into a opportunity to remain true to themselves and close with the lord! Congrats on all your accomplishments! You definitely deserve it!
You’re strong and amazing! Can’t wait to watch you take over the blogging world!
Brooke du jour
This really came from your heart – it’s wonderful that you love your readers so much to be so honest!
Such a great post!
Mademoiselle Coconath
Hey Kate! I’ve never commented before, but I’ve been following your blog for a while and I just wanted say that I’ve really enjoyed your posts so much! You have an authenticity about you that is just so great :) So, thanks for writing this difficult post and thanks for being an inspiration! :)
cute clothes in your blog post.
Lovely pictures!
Mademoiselle Coconath
So so inspiring. We are all here for you as well! The Lord is such a gracious and wonderful Lord. May He continuously keep blessing you with strength, wisdom, and kindness.
Shelby Jewel
I’m reading this many months late, but I just wanted you to know your faith is so admirable. Thank you for the honesty and rawness in your post. Post grad is hard- no matter what God “gives or takes away”. I was a ChiO at A&M and even a year after graduating, I’m still figuring out how to adult too. :)
You are a LIGHT! Be certain of that! God is doing some pretty amazing things with you. Thanks for sharing your life snippets. :) Happy weekend!!