georgetown getaway

pixie market, striped skirt, collared blouse, monogrammed sunglasses, michael kors crossbody, southern preppy style, dallas fashion bloggerpixie market, striped skirt, collared blouse, monogrammed sunglasses, michael kors crossbody, southern preppy style, dallas fashion bloggerIMG_7418pixie market, striped skirt, collared blouse, monogrammed sunglasses, michael kors crossbody, southern preppy style, dallas fashion bloggerpixie market, striped skirt, collared blouse, monogrammed sunglasses, michael kors crossbody, southern preppy style, dallas fashion bloggerIMG_7419pixie market, striped skirt, collared blouse, monogrammed sunglasses, michael kors crossbody, southern preppy style, dallas fashion bloggerpixie market, striped skirt, collared blouse, monogrammed sunglasses, michael kors crossbody, southern preppy style, dallas fashion bloggerSKIRT   High Waisted Striped Skirt   |   SHIRT   Sleeveless Collared Shirt   |   SANDALS   Leather Sandals (from last year, similar linked!)   |   SUNGLASSES   Monogrammed WayFarers   |   PURSE   Michael Kors Crossbody (old style, newest linked)

This weekend, I had the unbelievable experience of visiting friends in Washington, D.C. The last time I was there was for my school’s 8th grade trip, and I remember loving it even then. So I’ve been so excited to get back and experience the city with some cute locals! (On that same trip, at the class bowling alley social, my 8th grade crush asked me to be his girlfriend. So it’s safe to say the city holds a strong romantic connection for me. Insert sly winky face emoji here.)

Oh how it exceeded my expectations! We stayed in a darling townhouse in Georgetown, which I’m pretty sure came straight from a movie. The homes, the flowers, the cafes, it was all magical! I snapped some of my favorites street scenes and wove them into the images above to give you a little taste. The whole city was gorgeous, sophisticated, and utterly classic. It seemed fitting that today’s outfit be inspired by my time there. A blue and white striped skirt plus a crisp collared blouse = timeless. How I wish I could wear this for a stroll around the Georgetown neighborhood right now!

I’m already looking forward to this coming weekend, as my roomie from last year is coming in for our dear friend’s wedding. (Danica, we love you!) This summer won’t slow down, and I’m loving every second. I hope you are as well!


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Love from Texas,




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  1. That skirt is absolutely darling! Such a fresh twist on the basic blue and white stripe. I love how your clothes are always feminine and modern. I hope we get to see some more pictures of your trip to Georgetown!

    Published 6.23.15 · Reply
  2. Kendal said:

    I love this outfit!! Glad you had such a great time, I’d love to go to DC again!

    Kendal | Life With Kendal

    Published 6.23.15 · Reply
  3. I absolutely love how classic this outfit is! The shoes are my favorite, they look comfy but polished as well :)

    xoxo, SS

    The Southern Stylista

    Published 6.23.15 · Reply
  4. Such a cute look! I love that adorable skirt, it looks amazing on you!! Glad you had a great time in DC:)


    Published 6.23.15 · Reply
  5. Love love love your outfit! It’s so casual and chic. I remember being in Washington D.C. in 8th grade too! I had so much fun, and I actually have been wanting to go back, I think you may have just sparked my “wanderlust” self to take a weekend trip there :)

    Published 6.23.15 · Reply
  6. I love this outfit! What a cute and classic way to tie in the blue and white trend this summer!

    Published 6.23.15 · Reply
  7. Amanda said:

    Aw! I grew up right outside of DC and I love taking day trips into Georgetown, so jealous that you got to stay in a townhouse! Your outfit is also adorable!


    Published 6.24.15 · Reply