I was just looking back through Coffee Date No. 2, and had to laugh when I saw I had written “How is it possible that we’re already to November?” Welcome to 2014, Kate. Time to wake up and get with it!
The past couple of weeks of radio silence on my end have been filled to the brim with road trips, airports, celebrating, eating, taking pictures, family, reading blogs whose bloggers found time to post (I’m ducking my head in shame), and more eating. As it should be, right? It’s certainly time I finally sit down and give y’all an update on what I’ve been up to. So here’s to another coffee date!
(I forgot to get a really cool coffee selfie, so Jeff is stepping in for this one.)
Upon arriving home from Austin, I was delighted to see that our basket reserved for Holliday cards was already starting to fill up. I was even more excited when ours finally came in the mail. So to all of you who didn’t get one from mi familia, a merry belated Christmas from us!
(Shout-out to Haynsworth Photography for the pic of sister and I, and to Shutterfly for the fabulous card!)
After what seemed like weeks of horrible traffic (only remedied by Mariah Cary’s “All I Want for Christmas” on repeat), Christmas Eve finally rolled around. The fam and I stuffed ourselves with tamales and salsa (a Texas tradition) after the beautiful Christmas service, opened up our matching Christmas pj’s (a Padgitt tradition)
and watched Eloise at Christmastime (a sister tradition)
Just like we’ve done since we were little, we woke up our parents Christmas morning and raced out to the den to see what Santa had brought. After wrapping paper covered every inch of our floor and the camera was out of juice from incessant clicking, we piled on the couch to watch movies all day. A very merry Christmas it was! Here’s a rundown of a few of the goodies given and received.
mumzie // sister dearest // daddy // the boy
1. the prettiest sparklers you’ve ever seen // 2. gold iphone 5s // 3. monogrammed iphone case // 4. forever21 beauties // 5. my new favorite $10 accessory // 6. festive nail polish in silver and gold // 7. flower bomb // 8. 50mm lens
I’ll save you a blog post dedicated to this look, but imagine me in my striped nightgown, those fun heels and the fur snood. Definitely rocked it Christmas day.
On December 26th, we packed up the car and drove to Little Rock, Arkansas to see my mom’s side of the family. I got comfy for the road trip with a cozy tee and Raybans.
While there, I got to meet my new baby cousin (and the cutest creature alive)…
And stop into a darling store my cousin works for. If you’re ever in Little Rock, be sure to check out By Invitation Only! (The monogrammed chevron Arkansas cards were so cute that I almost ordered them for myself… and I’m not from Arkansas… Shh…)
And after two and a half days, I boarded an airplane headed to Charlotte, NC for, drumroll please, the boy’s 21st birthday!
Upon arriving, we rushed off to Panther’s Stadium for the Belk Bowl, where Jeff partook in a celebratory Blue Moon. What an oldie.
The week flew by, and was filled with so many fun things I don’t even know where to start. Some of my favorites included…
Girl Time
Football Watching (or should I say, learning to enjoy watching football)
Blogger-Friend Meeting (Alyssa & Melissa)
Pig Befriending (yes, you read that correctly)
Bad Delicious Food Eating
Horse Back Riding (Fun fact: There’s nothing I love more!)
New Years Eve Celebrating
Campfire Talkin’
Nascar Hall of Fame Browsing
And all in all, seven full days with the most fun group on earth! (Forgive the picture quality!)
This week I’ve been doing a lot of resting, netflixing, errand-running and friend catching-uping as the move back to Austin this Sunday inches closer and closer.
So there. you. go. If you made it all the way down to this sentence, I am super flattered you hung in there with my ramblings! This whole Christmas break has been nothing short of perfect, and I’m excited for all that Spring semester holds. And with my new camera lens, be on the lookout for some fun fashion posts headed your way! Thanks for joining me for another coffee date!
Love from Texas,

So glad you got to experience the wonderful Queen City while you were in North Carolina! You also got Krispy Kreme doughnuts so double plus :-) Glad you had a wonderful, wonderful break!
Ekk! Kate, I loved this post! What a great recap :) You’ve been so busy and I hope that now that you are back home you are able to get some much needed R&R! Miss your face already and hope that I get to squeeze your neck again soon <3 xoxo sweetpea!
Looks like you had a fabulous Christmas break! Enjoy 2014, and best of luck this semester!
I love all of your coffee date posts! You & your sister’s Christmas PJs are so cute- it looks like you had a great Christmas!! :)
I never really knew their was a color of the year until I saw it on Project Runway! But I think this year color is sooo beautiful.
Hi Kate! I’m a new follower and have fallen absolutely in love with your blog. I love your style of fashion, photography, and everything in between. I am also a blogger and wanted to know what you are currently using to shoot with. Hence, how I stumbled upon this post. Are you still using this lens? I would love to know what you recommend! I currently use a nikon 3000. Thanks in advance!