latest & greatest vol. 77

After taking a short break from our Latest & Greatest series last week (I blame the exhaustion of house hunting, which you can read more about here) I’m so happy to be back with a new roundup of the cutest new arrivals to hit the web!

After taking a short break from our Latest & Greatest series last week (I blame the exhaustion of house hunting, which you can read more about here) I’m so happy to be back with a new roundup of the cutest new arrivals to hit the web!

You know all of the pinks and whites are making this girl happy! I’ve been so happy to see more and more spring arrivals slowly start to make their way online the past few days, especially with the terrible weather we’ve been having in Dallas.

The cute pink bikini is one of the many adorable new swim arrivals from J.Crew! You can check all of them out here… too many cute ones to choose from!

I’m also hardcore crushing on these hoop earrings! Click through to see how they’re even cuter on a model. A must, no?!

click directly on an image to shop

I am so looking forward to a weekend at home after all the craziness the past week as brought. A movie, a glass of wine, and a bowl of popcorn and m&m’s with Andrew sounds like a perfect Saturday night to me right about now!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, no matter what you’re up to!

Love from Texas,


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wedding wednesday no. 17 // the great gainesville house hunt

How was everyone’s weekend? I just so happened to be in Florida visiting my future home of Gainesville, Florida for the very first time! No big deal. :)

How was everyone’s weekend? I just so happened to be in Florida visiting my future home of Gainesville, Florida for the very first time! No big deal. :)

Andrew and I, along with both of our cute mamas, made the trip with one mission in mind: house hunting! It was a whirlwind of a weekend, and today I thought I’d recap it for you!

Y’all were also sweet enough to send in questions regarding the trip, so stay tuned for the end of the post for a little Q&A. Feel free to leave any other questions in the comments!

First, a little bit of background if this is your first time here. This summer, my fiancé and I are moving to Gainesville, FL after our wedding for his residency. You can read more about it here!

One of the things we both have been praying about is finding a home for this season. So this past weekend, we set off in hopes of finding one!

I arrived with both of our moms on Thursday afternoon. Andrew, on the other hand, had a night shift on Thursday, so he flew in to join us Friday night. First objective? Lunch at Bojangles. (I’m obsessed, what can I say?!) We spent the rest of the day driving around and getting acclimated with the city before two and a half full days of house hunting!

Let’s just say, it was quite the experience. Jumping into y’alls questions will give you a pretty good picture of what it was like!

“I think I missed this, but why are you moving? I can’t imagine because of how close you are to your family.”

I actually wrote a big, long post about this here! In a nutshell, I’m moving to Gainesville, FL for my soon-to-be-husband’s residency. His program will last three years, so we know we’ll be there for at least that long! There are many more details in this post, if you’re curious.

“Why did you take your moms house hunting with y’all?”

There were a few different reasons why we decided to bring our moms along.

First off, Andrew and I are both first time home buyers! So we wanted all of the wisdom and counsel we could get. Since our moms have both been through this process quite a few times, and since Andrew and I were doing this in one weekend and in a city we’ve spent little to no time in, we wanted their experience, perspective, and thoughts.

Secondly, both of our moms have great taste. We initially weren’t sure if Andrew would be able to make the trip because of his work schedule, and so we loved the idea of his mom “filling in” for him if he couldn’t make it.

And finally, neither of our moms had been ever to Gainesville! Since it will be our future home, we wanted them to see and experience the city as well.

It ended up being the best decision. Not only was it helpful to have their insight, but it turned into a fun and incredibly rare opportunity to spend a lot of time together. Our moms turned out to be thick as thieves!

“First time visiting?”

For me, yes! Andrew had “technically” been last spring, but only for 24 hours for an interview. So it really felt like we were both seeing the town for the first time.

“What surprised you most about your future hometown?”

Oh gosh, y’all. So much! I went in expecting it to feel like a pretty small college town, especially since I’ll be moving from a big city. So needless to say, I was surprised that it felt much bigger than I anticipated! There are so many different, distinct areas to Gainesville and each has a different personality and vibe. I absolutely loved the feel!

I also was shocked at how delicious the food we ate was! I’ll confess, one of the things I’m most sad about leaving behind in Dallas is the food scene. Haha! But each restaurant we visited was so yummy, which definitely got me excited. Our realtor told us there’s pretty much only one restaurant of each cuisine you’d ever want in Gainesville, but they’re each really good. We definitely found this to be true!

“What were the favorite restaurants you visited?”

One thing we did on this trip? Eat. Here’s the yummiest places we chow’d down!

  • Francesca’s // Genuinely one of the best Italian meals I’ve ever had! The homemade bread they brought out before our meal was legit incredible. I ate three of the rolls, y’all. And then fried calamari and the yummiest spaghetti ever!
  • 43rd Street Deli // Talk about a greasy spoon! We wound up here for lunch at the recommendation of our realtor, and were all in a food coma for the rest of the day.
  • Liquid Ginger // I’ll be the first to confess that I’m a huge sushi snob. I swear, once you have the Cesar Roll at Oishii in Dallas you never go back! But I was pleasantly surprised at how delicious this spot was. We all loved our rolls! It was definitely popular and had a nice ambiance to it as well.
  • Daily Green // We headed to this spot for Sunday brunch. I was immediately reminded of Austin, TX pulling up to it! The vibe is super hipster and organic, and the food is amazing.

“Did you see any of the UF campus or walk around campus much? I’m a recent UF grad and I’m curious!”

Not as much as we would have liked! But my mom and I did go on a walk down Museum Road both mornings and loved it. So many beautiful trees!

Our hotel (we stayed at the Hilton) was near campus, so we did get to drive by it a few times. There was one stretch of gorgeous red brick buildings that I fell in love with. Definitely can’t wait to explore campus more! Andrew and I are also so excited to experience football games at the Swamp.

“How’s the weather compared to Texas?”

Um… INCREDIBLE. It was a balmy 65-75 degrees the entire weekend. Granted, it was mid-February and therefore not nearly as hot and humid as I’ve heard it gets, but we were so pleasantly surprised! Needless to say, the drizzly 30 degree welcome back to Dallas was a big let down. :)

It was also fun to see how much the weather can change in a day. We’d have an hour of sunshine, an hour of clouds, 30 minutes of showers, then back to sunshine. And I thought Texas weather was fickle!

“Best travel outfits?”

I did a post on my travel favorites here! For this trip, I lived in these shoes. Absolutely adorable, and so comfortable for walking around in all day! I highly, highly recommend.

“For you, what’s the most exciting part about the Gainesville move?”

There’s so much I’m excited about, but the most exciting part in my opinion? Living with Andrew! Especially now that we’ve actually been to Gainesvile… I feel like I can picture our life there so much more realistically! I can’t stop daydreaming about moving in, decorating, befriending neighbors, starting traditions and beginning our marriage in a new town, in a new home, with new friends and new experiences.

“What are you most looking forward to about your new town?”

This is a tough one and maybe a little random… but I love how different Gainesville feels from Texas! Since it’s landlocked, I wasn’t prepared for how gorgeous I’d think the town is. But y’all… everything is so green, there are palm trees all over the place and gorgeous old trees covered in Spanish moss everywhere you turn. It’s so lush and has so much charm.

I’m also so excited for all the “new!” Finding a new church, a new grocery store, new favorite restaurants and meeting so many new people. Everyone we met was genuinely so nice. Gainesville definitely has a friendly, hospitable feel!

“What are you most looking forward to about having a blank slate in a new city?”

Honestly, I am so excited for the chance to make hospitality one of my biggest priorities!

When I moved back to Dallas after graduating from the University of Texas, I hit the ground running in terms of work. Since I love this job so much, I poured everything I had into it. I’d work 24/7 and did a really bad job of prioritizing time for friends, inviting people into my apartment, etc. That “work work work” pace of life just turned into a habit, and I look back on my time in Dallas and wish I had done a far better job of inviting people into my “home” and making them feel welcome. I didn’t do a good job of establishing a healthy work life balance.

I am so thankful that I get a second chance with this move to Gainesville! I really want me and Andrew’s home to be one people feel warm, cozy and welcomed in. I’m already thinking through practical ways to host and bring others in, and it makes me so excited!

“Did you find a good church to attend in Gainesville?”

Not yet! We were so wiped out Sunday morning that we didn’t end up visiting a church like we’d hoped. But we’ve heard of so many recommendations (mainly from y’all!) and can’t wait to start visiting churches right after we move!

Now that we’ve covered more general Gainesville-related questions, let’s move into the specifics of the house hunt, shall we? Starting with the most frequently asked question…

“Did y’all find a house?!”

Drumroll, please…

YES! Oh y’all, it feels surreal typing that out! We made an offer on Sunday evening and were under contract by Monday night. We’re going to keep things under wraps until we (hopefully) close, but I have a feeling y’all are going to love it and I can’t wait to share more!

This is Andrew and I in the Gainesville airport about to head home after making an offer on the house we fell in love with! I think it will forever be one of my favorite pics because of that memory. We were completely exhausted, relieved and unbelievably excited all at once!

“Are you going to show us the house?!”

Ahhh, I’m dying to! But we’re going to wait until we close to share. There’s still so much that can happen before closing, so we want to be realistic and not assume anything. But the second we close, you bet y’all will be the first to know! Let’s just say I’ve been on Pinterest nonstop and am already dreaming of how I’ll decorate!

“What kind of house did you look for? Old/new/traditional/modern?”

Honestly, whatever we could afford! :) Since this is our first home purchase, neither of us were too picky about the exterior. As long as it felt happy and had lots of great light, Andrew and I would be fine!

Now, in terms of our preference, Andrew and I both love the more traditional, all-American look. Luckily, that style is everywhere in Gainesville!

“How did you decide on a budget?”

Quite a few factors went into this, but it started by calculating what we could realistically afford in regards to a down payment, mortgage, HOA fees, property taxes, and more. Andrew did an amazing job of really looking into each of these and factoring those into the decision. (He’s an excel wiz, and I’m grateful!)

Once we had that number, we factored in a few different hypothetical situations that would affect our income, and then landed on a number that allowed us to continue affording the home should those situations take place.

Finally, we researched the Gainesville market, talked through what we were each looking for in a home, and discussed our plan for it when we move out of Gainesville.

Obviously, this is an extremely simplified version of the process we went through, but it gives you a general idea!

“If you bought a home, how did you financially prepare for it?”

Saved. A. Lot!

Regardless of whatever monthly mortgage payment you can afford, it really begins with what you can make as a down payment. Andrew and I wanted to keep our interest rate as low as possible, and so we factored that into our budgeting decision. I have been saving pretty heavily for the past few years out of a “I know I should do this” mindset, not even thinking about a future downpayment. Needless to say, I am so thankful I made that decision early on!

Secondly, Andrew and I have individually kept a close eye on our credit scores. Keeping those high was hugely helpful in securing a loan!

“How did you decide on how big of a house you wanted?”

My wishlist regarding the home size: a room that could function as my office and a guest room for friends and family! Those things considered, we decided a home with at least three bedrooms would be a good fit for us.

It turns out that the standard room sizes in Gainesville were smaller than we are used to in Texas, which factored into our decision. We also quickly realized that the layout of the home was more important to us than simply the square footage. A home could be 1,000 square feet larger than another, but if that space was “waisted” or laid out in a weird way, it wasn’t worth it.

“How did you decide where you wanted to live? Commute time, other stuff in the area, etc.”

The second Andrew matched to the University of Florida in Gainesville, we started researching the town! Let me tell you, it’s so difficult to accurately “understand” neighborhoods and areas of a city without ever being there, but we sure tried!

The most important factor for us? A pretty, safe neighborhood that I would feel comfortable working from day-in and day-out. Secondly, the commute. While Andrew wasn’t as concerned with it, I didn’t want him to have to drive more than 20 minutes each way. That turned out to be a non-issue, as most of the areas we looked at were an equal distance away from the hospital.

By far the most important and helpful resource in figuring out where we wanted to live? Our amazing realtor, Jordane Spitze! We communicated all of these priorities to her, and she did a fabulous job of pin-pointing and showing us homes in neighborhoods that met those needs perfectly.

We ended up loving Longleaf, Haile Plantation and Tioga… just like many of you recommended! :)

“Will you buy an old or a new house?”

Andrew and I didn’t really have a preference in this regard, and we looked at both! I can’t wait to share what we landed on with y’all.

“What were you looking for in a house?”

Since I work from home, I was looking for a great “work space” as well as home! So it was almost like searching for two different – yet still the same – things.

First off, I wanted to be in an incredibly safe area that I felt completely comfortable in when Andrew is gone. Secondly, I wanted office space that would allow me to compartmentalize my work from our normal, everyday life. And finally, I wanted lots of natural light!

In terms of one or two story, old or new build, style, etc, I didn’t really have a strong preference. Affordability, along with the factors I mentioned above, were my main priorities.

“How did you go about balancing you and Andrew’s desires for the house?”

Ooooh, good question! To start with, a lot of talking. Andrew did an amazing job of making sure we were on the same page in terms of expectations/desires/etc from the get-go.

He really wanted a home that made for a great financial decision and investment. I really wanted a home I felt safe and happy working from. Luckily, we work really well together as a team, and so the other’s priority also became our own as we started preliminary searching. (I was on Zillow 24/7!)

Before actually arriving in Gainesville, there were a couple moments when I’d send Andrew a home on Zillow and he would have to talk me down regarding budgeting (haha, oops!) and a couple moments I felt the need to re-communicate my desires for the home, but once we actually started house hunting in person this past weekend we quickly realized we were on the exact same page.

That made the game-time decision an easy and clear one! And I am so thankful for that.

“We’re moving there in May: any advice when looking for neighborhoods?”

Yes! I initially wanted to be centrally-located in Gainesville, but quickly realized that I loved the feel of the neighborhoods a few minutes outside of the center of town more than being smack in the middle of things.

I recommend checking out Longleaf, Haile Plantation and the Town of Tioga if you’re looking for more of a family-oriented, neighborhood feel. Above all, consult a realtor you trust! (Let me take this moment to once again recommend ours, Jordane Spitze!)

“Recommendations on how to best plan a quick house/rental search in a new/unknown city?”

My first piece of advice would be to find a great realtor you really click with! If possible, ask for recommendations.

Like I’ve mentioned above, finding our realtor Jordane turned out to be the biggest blessing. I told her the weekend we’d be coming in to Gainesville and she was kind enough to set it aside to spend with us! She compiled a large list of homes that met our criteria to show us over the weekend and made a point to always be pointing out where we were to give us a feel for the city.

Now that we are in the closing process, it is a huge weight off of our shoulders to know she is “on the ground” supervising everything while we are states away.

I also recommend getting pre-qualified for a mortgage so that you can make an offer on the spot if you need to!

Finally, create a Zillow account so you can get a sense for different areas, price ranges, etc. While nothing is better than seeing the city in person, this helped to give us a feel for what we were getting into!

“How are y’all feeling? I just did this exact same thing this summer and I’m in Gainesville!”

Let me just say, this past weekend was a huge rollercoaster of emotions. Walking into it, I had a really calm attitude and perspective. I knew the Lord was going to provide in His perfect timing, I was confident in and completely trusted our realtor, and I was so excited to finally see the town I’d be living in for the next three years!

You know that saying “easier said than done?” Hahaha. *Sheepishly raises hand.* The first day of house hunting was eye-opening and exciting. So many cute houses! So many cute neighborhoods! How fun!

The second day was a bit more stressful. The Gainesville real estate market is currently really hot, and homes we would be interested in one day would go under contract the very next! I quickly realized we were going to have to move fast, which isn’t the pressure you want to be under when making such a huge decision.

By Sunday, I was completely overwhelmed. I think the realization that we were leaving that evening (or so we thought… thank you, flight cancellations) and didn’t know the next time we’d be back really hit me. I like to just make a decision and run with it. Andrew is much more methodical and less impulsive. (Thank goodness!) So the process of deciding on a game plan given factors like the hot market was a big undertaking.

Once we made that game plan, submitted our offer, and began our journey home, there was still so much up in the air. Would our offer even be considered? Would we get a house? Would we have to come back again or even buy site-unseen? So many thoughts were whirling through my head, and for being a usually laid-back person, I was pretty wound up. I just had to keep praying non-stop to keep calm!

But once we got under contract, as you’d expect, the whole mood shifted! We really got a house! And not just any house, but one we’re absolutely in love with! There are still so many things that can happen before closing, so we’re doing our best to keep our hands open and not make any assumptions, but we are absolutely giddy, y’all. It doesn’t feel real!

So there you have it friends… a big, long recap of our whirlwind house hunting weekend in Gainesville, Florida! As crazy and exhausting as it was, I’m so thankful for every moment of it. Those memories are ones I’ll cherish for years!

I’m also so thankful for how the Lord provided and lead us throughout the entire thing. It made Matthew 7: 9-11 come alive in a new way to me!

And I know by this point I probably sound like a broken record, but I am so grateful that I get to share this season with you! It feels like I get to process everything with a huge group of best friends, and that is such a gift. So thank you for caring and reading and being interested! It really means the world.

Gainesville, I think I’m going to like you!

Love from Texas,


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wedding wednesday no. 16 // wedding dress shopping

Let me warn you… today’s post is going to be a bit long. I have a hunch you’ll forgive me, however, because today is all about wedding dress shopping!

Let me warn you… today’s post is going to be a bit long. I have a hunch you’ll forgive me, however, because today is all about wedding dress shopping!

Let me start off by sharing one rather important detail… yes! I’ve picked out my dress!

(Will someone pinch me?!)

And let me follow that up by quickly saying it definitely one of the most difficult parts of the wedding planning thus far for me.

I’ve had a few friends tell me their wedding-dress-picking-process was a breeze. I even heard “It was the first one I tried on” more than once! And since I had such a specific vision, I was hopeful that I would have a similar experience.

Oh my stars was I wrong, y’all. My sweet mother and I literally went to every. single. salon. in Dallas, and even discussed custom options, before finally finding the dress of my dreams at the Bridal Salon at Neiman Marcus!

But let’s save that full story for another day, shall we?! Today, I want to share the fun part of wedding dress shopping with you trying on gorgeous gowns in the gorgeous Bridal Salon at Neiman Marcus. And all with a glass of champagne in hand, of course!

The Experience

Once I got engaged, my mom and I hit the ground running in searching for “the dress.” Like I mentioned above, we set up appointments everywhere. I think we must have visited over five different showrooms within the span of a couple weeks. Leaving no stone unturned, as they say!

Because of scheduling, the Bridal Salon at Neiman Marcus randomly happened to be the last place on our list. Fun fact – it’s located in the gorgeous Main Street store in Downtown, which I’ve grown up going to since I was a little girl. Whenever I’d end up there for Christmas shopping or lunch at the Zodiac Room, I always dreamed about the day I’d be able to actually try dresses on in the salon instead of just peeking in!

When that day finally arrived, it was even better than I had imagined. Let me just say, it’s hands down the most beautiful bridal salon we visited in Dallas. With white and gold everywhere, you feel like a princess walking through the room! And for those of you who remember my apartment, you know it’s basically my dream aesthetic!

I also simply loved the service. We were set up with Karen as our consultant, who we just adore. She was so caring and nurturing the entire time, totally catching my vision from the get-go. It was such a nice change from the rather salesy experiences we had elsewhere, and I felt so comfortable and at ease because of it.

The Selection

Now, let’s talk about the actual dress selection! While I didn’t know the exact specifics of the dress of my dreams, I did know the look and feel I was going for…

Classic. Timeless. Elegant.

I think that’s what I appreciated the most about my experience at the Bridal Salon at Neiman Marcus. Even with all of the different styles, shapes and fabrics, each and every dress in the showroom had a classic “bridal” quality to it that you could just feel. With designers like Carolina Herrera, Romona Keveza, Oscar De La Renta, Monique Lhuillier and so many others, it was definitely the couture experience I was looking for.

So let’s get on to my dress, shall we? While I’m keeping it a complete secret until the big day (only my mother, father, sister and future mother in law have seen it) I wanted to show you a few of the beautiful dresses I tried on.

Like I mentioned above, there are truly endless options for every type of bride, from glam to traditional. Here are a few of my favorites, along with the style and designer information. Leave a comment and vote for your favorite!

The Dresses


“L9155” // Legends by Romona Keveza


“Larissa” // Monique Lhuillier


“Belle of the Ball” // Reem Acra


“Hunter” // Carolina Herrera


“New Fiona” // Mira Zwillinger

Finally finding my dress at the Bridal Salon at Neiman Marcus was a true dream come true. I absolutely can’t wait to share it with you come June!

If you’re a bride, or know someone who is, take it from me. Call or email the Bridal Salon at Neiman Marcus and make an appointment. (Tell them I sent you!)


[email protected]

Better yet, make a day out of it and plan for brunch at the Zodiac Room before or after!

Now I’m dying to know… what type of dress do you think I’ll wear on my wedding day?!

Love from Texas,


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my favorite spring barrington patterns

Yesterday, the new Barrington spring and summer prints hit the web, and it’s safe to say I’m obsessed! From palm leaves to lemons and everything in between, something tells me there’s a perfect combination for everyone.

When it comes to brand loyalty, you all know one of my very favorite tried and trues… Barrington!

I have been an avid fan of this bags and leather goods line since my first St. Anne tote years ago (we’re talking 2014, y’all…) and each season, I look forward to seeing the gorgeous new prints and patterns released.

Yesterday, the new Barrington spring and summer prints hit the web, and it’s safe to say I’m obsessed! From palm leaves to lemons and everything in between, something tells me there’s a perfect combination for everyone.

I spent some (ok, wayyy too much) time this morning playing around with my favorite monogram combinations, and thought I’d share them all with you today! Simply click on an item to shop.

Since there are endless color and monogram combinations, the sky is the limit when it comes to designing your dream bag! I hope this gives you some fun inspiration, whether you’re looking for a new everyday tote of your own or a gift for someone special!

Before signing off, I wanted to address a few questions I get all the time about Barrington! The bag I love and use literally daily is the St. Anne tote. It’s a bit bigger than the Savannah tote, and I personally love the extra space! Mine is the style without the zipper, but the St. Anne WITH a zipper was just released if that’s your style. (You can get it here!)

The quality is literally unbelievable, y’all. I always talk about the tote I wore for two years straight in college. I packed it to the brim with a heavy laptop, books, etc and lugged it everywhere. It’s still in amazing condition! These bags LAST.

Secondly, I plan on doing a full blog post on this soon, but THIS purse organizer insert has literally changed my life. I love it so much that I ordered my mom one for Christmas, and now she’s obsessed! It fits in the St. Anne perfectly. Enjoy!

Love from Texas,


P.S. Be sure to check the blog tomorrow… if you like wedding dresses, you’re going to love the post. :)

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lights, camera…

5 little white dresses i’m loving

Today, I thought it would be fun to start off the week with a few little white dresses I recently ordered and am loving. Perfect for brides, graduates, and Easter-attendees alike, I hope you find a few you love!

Now that spring is around the corner, I’ve started seeing more and more adorable white dresses hit my favorite stores. Which means one thing… the hunt for all of my bridal wear is on!

From bruncheons to couples showers and of course the bachelorette party (which, y’all, I can’t wait to share more details on soon) I plan on wearing white through and through!

So today, I thought it would be fun to start off the week with a few little white dresses I recently ordered and am loving. Perfect for brides, graduates, and Easter-attendees alike, I hope you find a few you love!

no. one // long sleeved lace

I have been getting quite a few requests for white dresses that don’t look too summery. Friends, this cute frock is it! I’m obsessed with the long sleeved, lace detailing and the slim, flattering fit. So chic, and so perfect for this time of year.

I’m wearing an XS, and found it fits true to size! Plus, it’s under $100. What’s not to love?! Shop it HERE.

no. two // flirty, feminine ruffles

This adorable dress is practically perfect in every way… flattering fit, gorgeous, feminine details, and a price tag under $100! I think this would be a gorgeous option for a bridesmaids luncheon, shower or even engagement photos.

For size reference, I’m in an XS. If you’re between sizes, go up! Shop it HERE.

no. three // buttoned up beauty

If timeless and traditional is your cup of tea, you’re going to love this dress! The lace overlay and darling collar make it so unique and fun.

I ordered a size 0 (my usual size) and found the dress to be a bit snug and difficult to move up top. Also, prepare for the lace to be a bit itchy. Things to keep in mind if ordering! Shop it HERE.

no. four // fabulous frills

Now ladies, this is quite a statement-maker! It fits a bit too tight for my taste, but has some fabulously-fun frills that make for quite the dramatic back. I’m thinking this would be perfect for a bachelorette!

I’m wearing a size 0 and would recommend going up a size in this dress. Shop it HERE.

no. five // all the colors of the rainbow

This rainbow beauty is more of a splurge, but in my opinion… worth it! It’s also selling out everywhere, but I found it available in all sizes here. You have to check it out in my Instagram Stories today to see how it looks on… it’s too fun!

I’m wearing an XS, and can tell you it fits true to size. Shop this dress HERE.

I’m loving this white dress hunt, and promise to keep you up to date with all of my favorites! If you’re also looking for all-white-errething, let me know your favorite places to shop ’em and what price point you’re looking for!

And don’t forget, I’ll be trying all of these dresses on in my Instagram Story today, so be sure to follow along!

Love from Texas,


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latest & greatest vol. 76

A full week in my new living situation is finally under my belt, and I have to say I am loving it! It doesn’t hurt that we also had a few balmy, 75 degree days here in Dallas. In typical Texas fashion, though, we’re back to a drizzly 32 today. Bah humbug!

A full week in my new living situation is finally under my belt, and I have to say I am loving it! It doesn’t hurt that we also had a few balmy, 75 degree days here in Dallas. In typical Texas fashion, though, we’re back to a drizzly 32 today. Bah humbug!

Today’s roundup of the cutest new arrivals to hit the web this week includes lots o pink (hello maxi dress I must own) and a new favorite snack of mine! Let’s just say I stock up on these, now. Has anyone else tried them?!

You’ll also find the newly-released Lilly Pulitzer coffee table book, and let’s just say it definitely deserves a place of honor in any Lilly lover’s home. I can’t wait to get my hands on one!

Don’t forget, click directly on an image to shop!

Since Andrew and I will be traveling to Gainesville on Valentine’s day, he’s planned a special date for us this weekend. It involves a fabulous restaurant in Ft. Worth, and then a trip to the rodeo championship! I am so excited to finally wear my newest pair of City Boots. Y’all… they’re PINK!

Wishing all of you a wonderful weekend! Can’t wait to see you back here on Monday for a “try on” of a few white dresses I’ve ordered. So many cute ones!

Love from Texas,


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