the happy list // no. 2

Two weeks ago, I published a list of things that made me happy instead of my usual roundup of cute new arrivals. Honestly, it was pretty therapeutic to put together, and from the feedback I received, you enjoyed it too!

Two weeks ago, I published a list of things that made me happy instead of my usual roundup of cute new arrivals. Honestly, it was pretty therapeutic to put together, and from the feedback I received, you enjoyed it too!

To carry on that tradition, and celebrate the joy of a new week even though this Monday may look a little different than most, I’m excited to bring you another little happy list. I hope these put a smile on your face today!

DRESS // SANDALS // HAT // SUNGLASSES // BELT (old, similar linked) // BRACELETS


the happy list


  • Peloton now offers dance cardio classes in their app! One of my best friends and I Facetimed while taking the Ally Love + Hannah Marie Corbin 20 minute class and had the best time.
  • Betsy Cribb, a fave Southern Living editor of mine, is back with a second hilarious edition of “Corona Style.”
  • I’ve had a few questions asking for a bible study recommendation. There are so many great ones out there! This week, Andrew and I are going through the seven day “Psalms of Rest” study from She Reads Truth. We really enjoyed the first devotional. So well timed!
  • Neiman Marcus, Gap, Joann, Ralph Lauren, Eddie Bauer, Hanes, H&M along with smaller businesses (like NARDOS, one of my favorite designers in Dallas) and individuals are now manufacturing scrubs, gowns and masks in an effort to help in the fight against COVID-19. One of my favorite bloggers, Carly, has been pitching in as well! So inspiring.
  • Painted my nails in this shade earlier this week and it’s making me so happy!
  • Have you made a social distancing bucket list? Sharing mine here!
  • Lilly Pulitzer is continuing to pay its employees during this time. Last week, the offered an unprecedented 30% off select items online! (This is the first time in my entire life I’ve seen Lilly go on sale apart from the semi-annual After Party Sale.) Today, you’ll receive a printed tumbler for every $150 spent. Can’t wait to see all the fun this brand has in store!
  • Andrew and I have two fun two-person+ games to recommend that we’ve been loving lately. Add Monopoly Deal and Ticket To Ride to your collection if you don’t have them already! (Psst, Target is offering buy 2 get 1 free on select board games!)
  • Have you heard about the birthday party parade trend? Since parties have had to be canceled, friends are celebrating birthdays in a socially-responsible way by getting together for a parade that goes right by the birthday girl/boy’s house. Honking, waving, the whole nine yards. It’s all over Instagram right now and it’s so cute!
  • Social distancing has brought about a new alter ego of mine. Meet Carolyn. She’s a trip. Here are the links to her hat (currently on sale!), sunglasses, sandals, dress and belt (similar linked).

Another thing that’s putting a big, big grin on my face? The fact that Andrew will be home with me this week! His residency program has decided to move residents to a “one week on, one week off” schedule in order to minimize exposure to COVID-19 and keep residents healthy in the event they need to fill in for sick physicians should the current situation escalate.

Residency is no joke, and Andrew having a full week off is incredibly rare. So in the midst of all of the unknowns, I am thanking the Lord for this huge blessing, and I plan to soak up every second.

While I’ll still be doing a bit of blog work here and there this week, my main focus is going to be treating this week like a vacation and spending quality time with the hubs. We already have a few golf cart outings, Peloton battles (we try to beat each other’s output for a given ride), Ticket to Ride tournaments, movie marathons, and fun homemade dinners planned.

Whatever this week looks like for you, I’m praying you’re at peace and feeling healthy. You’re not alone, don’t forget that!

Love from the Sunshine State,


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a new collection i’m loving

It’s been a while since I’ve done some “online window shopping”, as I like to call it. Keeping tabs on new arrivals from my favorite retailers has always been one of my favorite things, and constantly keeps me inspired and looking forward to what’s ahead!

It’s been a while since I’ve done some “online window shopping”, as I like to call it. Keeping tabs on new arrivals from my favorite retailers has always been one of my favorite things, and constantly keeps me inspired and looking forward to what’s ahead!

As my mind has been on other things over the past two-ish weeks, it was so refreshing and flat out fun to just let myself be distracted by beautiful things today. Reminder: you don’t have to spend a thing to do that!

While pursuing from the comfort of my own desk, I came across a new collection from one of my favorite affordable fashion destinations, H&M. And wow… I was instantly transported to a time when summer travels were just ahead and bags were in need of packing!

While that isn’t our current reality now, I think you’ll still enjoy looking at these beautiful pieces, which, fun fact, are made from sustainably sourced materials and using sustainable methods. Feast your eyes on my favorites below, and check out the entire collection here!

(Psst, the model shots showcase these pieces more accurately. You can click directly on each piece for those images!)



Fabulous, right?! I have to confess, I couldn’t stop myself from ordering this blue and white dress that’s under $100! I grabbed the matching scarf and think, with the scarf tied in my hair or on my bag, they’ll be adorable paired together!

Love from the Sunshine State,


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caps for a cause

Pink Stripe
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Khaki Stripe
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my social distancing bucket list + template

Ok, friends. Here’s the deal. We are in a weird season. One filled with a lot of uncertainty, doubt, anxiety, heartbreak… a lot of real, hard stuff. I had a moment yesterday, well really I had a whole day yesterday, where I let myself wallow in that. It was kinda…

Ok, friends. Here’s the deal. We are in a weird season. One filled with a lot of uncertainty, doubt, anxiety, heartbreak… a lot of real, hard stuff.

I had a moment yesterday, well really I had a whole day yesterday, where I let myself wallow in that. It was kinda pitiful, but I just needed to be sad. But like He always does, the Lord met me right where I was, in the midst of that sadness, and laid this well-known verse on my heart:

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22-23

In that moment, right the middle of my sadness, I knew a new morning was coming. And I was reminded of something: my sadness, anxiety and funk would come to an end, but the Lord’s faithfulness, mercy, presence and love in my life never will.

Dang. Why do I let myself worry again?

So this morning, I got up and decided to rewire my brain a bit. Instead of letting myself dwell on the anxious thoughts in my head, I decided to create a bucket list in an effort to focus on making the most out of this time! Because when I look back on this season, I don’t want to look back to see that I worried it all away.

What I do want to look back and see? That I was present in both the joys and the hardships, that I looked for (and saw) the ways the Lord showed up, and that I lived each day with a grateful heart. When I look back on this time, I want to be able to count just as many blessings as trials. And a large part of that is up to me!

So today, I want to share a bucket list I’ve created to keep me hunting for joy and living in gratitude. To be honest, it’s a bunch of silly things and many of them I should have already been doing! But I’m excited for a chance to really make them happen now that things have slowed down.

As I knock them off, I’ll keep you updated. And as I add more to my list, I’ll let you know! I hope you’ll do the same, and together all find ways to make the most out of this season.


my social distancing bucket list


Take a long bath with a light candle, a glass of wine, and Enya playing. (Judge all you want.)

Make my mom’s unbelievable homemade apple pie for the first time.

Unpack and organize Andrew’s study.

Complete my first needlepoint project. (I got my canvas in last night and have already started!)

Paint my front door.

Respond to 20 DMs a day.

Finally put some flowers in my pots.

Spring clean our closet and donate/sell unwanted items.

Give Flynn a hair cut.

Memorize one verse a week.

Clean out my car.

Change the lightbulbs in my house.

Research waxing my own eyebrows. (HA! But seriously….)

Get photos off of my phone and into physical photo albums.

Dress up one night a week.

Start and finish a new lighthearted book. (Recommendations welcome!)

Do a facemask with Andrew.

Update the @myfriendflynn Instagram page.

Give myself a hair trim.

Take a yoga class on my back porch.

Create an interior inspiration board for my office.

Clean out and organize the laundry room.

Try one new Peloton instructor a week.

Make a fancy cocktail.

My goal is to document each one on Instagram Stories so you can see me check off the list! Perhaps I’ll even turn some of them (like my mom’s unbelievable apple pie recipe) into full blog posts. I’m getting excited just thinking about it! :)

Now, it’s your turn! Let me know what’s on your list, and let’s keep each other accountable while making the most out of this season! If you’d like, feel free to save this photo to your phone, upload to your IG Stories and fill it in! (Tag me, I’d love to see it!)

Love from the Sunshine State,


P.S. If you have any ideas for cuter names to call this bucket list (social distancing bucket list doesn’t have the smoothest ring to it) let me know!

j.crew factory sale // five looks for 50% off

This morning, after scrolling through update upon update, I confess craving that sense of normalcy. So, in an effort to give myself (and perhaps you!) that, I decided to create something lighthearted and fun. Five looks from the J.Crew Factory 50% off sale!

A fresh week and a fresh start… after last week, I don’t think I’ve ever been so thankful for a Monday! While our weekend looked very low-key, Andrew and I both agreed it was one of the best we’ve had here in Gainesville. After all, it’s no secret that omething about slowing down is good for the soul.

With everything going on, it’s been therapeutic to build a sense of routine and normalcy into my day-to-day. (I shared a post about this last week if you missed it!) This morning, after scrolling through update upon update, I confess craving that sense of normalcy. So, in an effort to give myself (and perhaps you!) that, I decided to create something lighthearted and fun. Five looks from the J.Crew Factory 50% off sale!

I want to be incredibly sensitive to the strange times we’re in, and so I hope this doesn’t come across as a sales push. More than anything, creating these outfits gave me a really great distraction today… and hopefully, they give you a nice distraction as well!

With that being said, here are a few looks giving me a bit of spring inspiration.


look no. 1

What can I say… I love an all-white ensemble with a well-placed leopard accessory! I’ve been eyeing this headband and think it makes the perfect finishing touch. Also, are these sandals (currently on sale for $25) not so chic?!


shop the look



look no. 2


Wrap skirts and ruffles is one combination I’ll never grow weary of. This blue and white striped piece is picture-perfect. Dress down with sandals and a white tee, or dress up with a pretty blouse and heels! Don’t even get me started on the precious waist tie.


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look no. 3


Work-ready, and effortlessly chic! Elevate your 9-5 game with this sassy twist on the tan and black cap-toe trend. And trust me… this blouse looks even cuter on than it does in this collage!


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look no. 4


The perfect vacation ensemble… easy, lovely and light. Since my plans involve staying on my couch for the foreseeable future, I’ll just dream of brighter days when I can take this skirt out for a spin along the seashore.


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look no. 5


Navy, twice, and everything nice! There’s something classic about a navy and white ensemble. Pairing one of these adorable swimsuits with this navy rickrack coverup is something I hope I get to do very soon!


shop the look


Here’s to hoping your start to the week is happy and bright. Sending you a big hug if it isn’t, because that’s ok too.

Love from the Sunshine State,


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lights, camera…

the happy list

I recognize that not everyone needs lighthearted right now. There’s a lot of seriousness and heavy things happening all around, and I don’t want to downplay that by any means. But if you find yourself in the same boat that I do this Friday, I hope you enjoy this little roundup… something I’m calling “The Happy List.”

I woke up this morning feeling like I needed to rest. Not physically… goodness knows we’ve all had more downtime than usual. But emotionally. I just needed a day to think of normal, lighthearted, fun and happy things.

So, I ventured out for the first time since last week to pick up my favorite donuts from a local food truck here in Gainesville (where I and the one other patron there kept a safe 6 feet distance between us), came home to make a cup of coffee, and am now sitting down to hunt for lots of happy things to share with you today before signing off for a weekend of social distancing with my lil’ fam right here in this house.

I recognize that not everyone needs lighthearted right now. There’s a lot of seriousness and heavy things happening all around, and I don’t want to downplay that by any means. But if you find yourself in the same boat that I do this Friday, I hope you enjoy this little roundup… something I’m calling “The Happy List.”

shirt // skirt (old, linked similar) // shoes // headband (old, linked similar) // self tanner (use with this mitt)


the happy list


  • This Instagram account, @GoodNews_Movement, will lift your spirits in the midst of everything going on.
  • The new adaption of Emma, currently in theaters, has been released early! Rent it today on Amazon, Apple, and many other platforms.
  • Texas restaurants are now permitted to offer alcoholic beverages to-go in an effort to boost the restaurant economy. What I wouldn’t give for a Mambo Taxi to-go, ya feel?
  • New hobby alert! I ordered my first needlepoint canvas (you Friday Night Light fans may recognize this) and am excited to try my hand at something new.
  • Scribd is offering free access to their huge selection of books, audiobooks, magazines and more for thirty days, no credit card required!
  • If you’re in need of retail therapy, there are some great sales going on right now: Nordstrom is 25% off site-wide, Anthropologie is 25% off everything + free shipping over $50, Tuckernuck is 20% off site-wide with code TNUCK20N, Verishop is 10-25% off everything
  • I’m looking forward to making this guac recipe when Andrew gets home from work today!
  • Did you know you can Facetime more than one friend at once? While Facetiming a friend, swipe up from the bottom of your screen and tap “add person.”
  • Country music fan? Kelsea Ballerini just released a new album!
  • A couple of weeks ago, I bought a new nail color on a whim and I’m now obsessed. This shade is the perfect light-almost-white pink color and best of all, it’s not sheer. Highly recommend!
  • Set your alarms! Mi Golondrina will be restocking their beautiful, hand embroidered headbands (see mine here) tomorrow morning at 10am CDT!

If you have a happy you’d like to add to this list, leave a note in the comments below! I think we could all use a little extra dose of it today.

Love from the Sunshine State,


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wedding wednesday // a letter to the brides affected by COVID-19

 Last Friday, March 19, was when I started to really take the COVID-19 spread seriously. I had been loosely following it since late February because my parents were supposed to travel to Italy, but it wasn’t until the end of last week that the gravity of what was going on…

 Last Friday, March 19, was when I started to really take the COVID-19 spread seriously. I had been loosely following it since late February because my parents were supposed to travel to Italy, but it wasn’t until the end of last week that the gravity of what was going on started to sink in.

Last Friday, my parents were driving to Austin for the wedding of the daughter of some dear friends. Upon learning that a guest had potential symptoms, they had to make a choice. Because my grandmother is currently in a nursing home in Dallas, and my mother visits her daily (that has obviously now changed), my parents made the heart-wrenching decision to come back home.

As I talked to my parents on their drive home, I remember feeling absolutely heartbroken for this bride. And the groom, the families, the vendors, and the other guests, of course! But especially for the bride. I don’t know why, necessarily. Maybe it’s because I just went through the process and so it hits close to home. Whatever the reason, I haven’t been able to shake that pit in my stomach ever since.

Let me pause for one second to make something very clear: There are so many people the COVID-19 spread has already affected, and there are so many people it has yet to affect before this is all over. Both in big, life-altering ways and in small ways. Livelihoods lost. Schools closed. Friends missed. Hospitals overwhelmed. I get dazed when I think about it all, and today I don’t want to go there.

It goes without saying that in the grand scheme of things, a postponed or changed wedding is not the direst thing happening right now. I certainly, certainly understand that. We all do. And as the wife of someone in the medical field, I am not tone-deaf to the sacrifices being made by those on the frontlines of this thing. In fact, I am in total awe of the brave individuals sacrificing their own wellbeing for that of others. And now and in the coming months, I am looking for ways to support my neighbors, my community, small businesses, healthcare workers, and everyone else affected by COVID-19. We all should be.

But today, on a day I usually reserve for wedding-related content, I just want to write a little note to one of the many people affected by this. Not because her loss is any greater or any less than anyone else’s, but because I was just her myself. And for some reason, I can’t stop thinking of her. To the bride who has had to change her wedding day in the wake of COVID-19.


Dear Bride,


Today, I wanted to take a second to write to you. To let you know you’re on my heart, you haven’t been forgotten, and whatever feelings you’re experiencing right now, sadness, fear, defeat or loss, they are valid. Today, I wanted to let you know that with each escalation and update, from low-key murmurs to mandated cancellations, my heart has continually sunk for you, and for what you are being asked to give up.

Today, while you watch your friends make the most of this time on social media… posting lighthearted memes, figuring out how to work from home, ordering takeout instead of dining in… you’re grappling with changing, postponing or canceling a dream you’ve most likely had for years and years. While many of us are trying to decide on a new Netflix series to start, you’re trying to come to terms with the fact that a special day you’ve been working towards for a while may look vastly different than you had hoped.

Today, I wanted to say I am sorry that in the midst of an already emotionally-packed wedding planning process, you’re being asked to handle not only more high emotions, but logistical chaos as well. Maybe moving or changing your wedding to accommodate this new season has been a breeze. But I have a feeling it hasn’t been that way for everyone. Finding a different date, coordinating with out-of-town relatives and guests, contacting each and every vendor, and trying to decide how on earth to celebrate in this new reality. I cannot imagine.

I do imagine you’re caught in a hard place right now. Maybe you feel guilty for being upset when there seem to be more important things happening right now. Maybe you feel sad that important people in your life won’t be able to stand by you on this important day. Maybe you feel overwhelmed at all the decisions you’re going to have to make for a second time. I can’t imagine exactly how you’re feeling, but I know you’re feeling a lot.

So today, in case no one has told you, I just want to say I am so sorry. I want to say that I recognize what you’re having to go through, and I wish more than anything that I could give you a big hug, sit on the couch with you over a bottle of wine and cry it out together.

And today, I want to promise you one final thing. Your day will come. It may look different than you had initially planned, but it will come. And not only will it come, but it will shine all the more brightly be all the sweeter because of what you walking through now.

Because here’s the thing: you are demonstrating what marriage, and what a whole wedding celebration, is really all about. Loving someone else more than yourself, no matter the cost. You are living out love, not just as an ideal, but as an action. Not the hollywood-crafted, romanticized, “happily ever after” kind of love. You are living out sacrificial love. And love that sacrifices for others is the truest, deepest, most perfect love there is.

And perfect love, even in the midst of global epidemics, canceled plans, financial instability and changed dreams, always perseveres. (1 Corinthians 13:6)

So on behalf of every single one of us who are not walking in your shoes, I want to thank you. For making a unique, but no less important, sacrifice that many of us do not have to make in this strange season. For changing one of your dreams so that people you may never meet can continue to dream theirs. And for reminding us what true love is really all about.

I have a feeling all the people you’re loving by the choices you’re making right now can’t wait to return the love when they finally do get to celebrate you!

All my love,


On this “Wedding Wednesday” I’d love to encourage you to think of any friends you know who are having to change, postpone or cancel their day. Reach out with a call or text and ask how they’re doing. Send a little something to brighten their day that also supports small businesses, like fresh cookies from a local bakery, flowers from a local florist or maybe a hand-painted champagne bottle. Let’s let them know just how excited we are to celebrate them both now, and “officially” the second all of this is over.

Everyone, everyone, is in need of a little extra love these days, so let’s be on the lookout for ways to support one another during this time, shall we?

Sending all my love to the brides, the vendors, the mamas-turned-homeschool-teachers, the overworked medical staff on the frontlines, the small businesses, and every group who are making brave sacrifices during this time. We are all in this together.

Love from the Sunshine State,
