fall plaid skirt

fall plaid skirtfall plaid skirtfall plaid skirtfall plaid skirt

SKIRT   high waisted plaid skirt   |   TOP   black turtleneck swearer   |   SHOES   grey bow flats   |   BAG   navy satchel    |   EARRINGS   drop pearl earrings (old, similar linked)   |   SUNGLASSES   sunglasses

One article of clothing I swore I would never ever wear again as a young girl? Turtlenecks. My mother always had me in them, y’all. I can picture it now… a white turtleneck, non-flare Levi jeans, and white ked sneakers.

Needless to say, the look did not compete with all of the other Limited Too ensembles I was surrounded by. I decided that when the day came that I could choose my own clothes, turtlenecks were getting the boot.

Don’t you just have to laugh? It’s so funny thinking back on my fashion sensibilities when I was younger, especially since now the classic turtleneck is something I reach for regularly when temperatures turn chilly. There’s something elegant, timeless and easy about the silhouette. Perhaps my mother did know best after all! :)

Today, I’m so excited to be partnering with Modcloth in showing how I incorporate this style into my wardrobe all these years later! This classic black turtleneck is a must-have for the fall and winter. It works as an incredible base for layered autumn looks, or as a stand-alone statement. I love the preppy look it creates when paired with this high-waisted plaid skirt!

A few more ideas for styling turtlenecks? Use it as a base for styling your favorite blanket scarves, layer it with a fabulous cape, or wear it chic and standalone with a pair of black jeans, pearl earrings and ballet flats. The options are endless!

Love from Texas,


Thank you, Modcloth, for sponsoring this post!

Photography by Hilary Rattikin

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  1. Thalia said:

    This post is so relatable! My mom dressed me in turtlenecks all the time during winter season as a child. It was a turtleneck with jeans, skirts, jumpers, and even dresses! I still have the school photos to prove it!

    Published 10.31.17 · Reply
  2. Alexa said:

    LOVE this skirt! Super cute!


    Published 10.31.17 · Reply
  3. Mariah said:

    I love this outfit so much! It’s perfect for a work day.


    Published 10.31.17 · Reply
  4. Jeany said:

    Such a gorgeous outfit and I’m so in love with your skirt!
    xx, Jeany from http://www.vogueetvoyage.com

    Published 11.1.17 · Reply