my bachelorette party + meet my bridesmaids

I know it’s not Wednesday yet, but I couldn’t wait one more day to share the exciting news. Today, I’m…

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wedding wednesday no. 17 // the great gainesville house hunt

How was everyone’s weekend? I just so happened to be in Florida visiting my future home of Gainesville, Florida for…

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wedding wednesday no. 16 // wedding dress shopping

Let me warn you… today’s post is going to be a bit long. I have a hunch you’ll forgive me,…

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5 little white dresses i’m loving

Now that spring is around the corner, I’ve started seeing more and more adorable white dresses hit my favorite stores.…

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wedding wednesday no. 15

Hello from a new home, y’all! And an old one… let me explain. :) The Next Four Months You may…

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