introducing maison du maillot

DRESS   tiered eyelet dress   |   BAG   tassel basket bag   |   SHOES   nantucket sole slides

This morning, I’m trying (rather unsuccessfully) to come to terms with waking up to the dry heat and traffic of Dallas as opposed to the serene, salty air of Seaside, Florida. Oh friends, this past week at the beach was so needed, and just like all good things, it flew by in a flash! (How is it that no one has figured out how to slow down time yet?)

For those of you who are new around here, Seaside is the little beach town my family and I have been visiting each summer for the past ten years. It’s charming, pastel, slow-paced… the perfect spot to unwind and relax! Needless to say, we look forward to it all year long.

In preparation for the trip, I spend the first part of each summer shopping around for the cutest swimsuits and beach attire I can find. There’s something so fun about saving up for a few pretty pieces to wear during my favorite week! And this year, I was lucky enough to pack up a couple especially beautiful items from a new online beachwear destination I am thrilled to introduce you to, Maison du Maillot.

Maison du Maillot is an exquisitely curated collection of swimwear, sarongs, beautiful beach bags and every other piece you’d need for time spent by the sea. I love how unique the collection is, hosting everything from beach-to-dinner pieces like this easy, sea-foam maxi to this beautifully intricate one piece swimsuit. Better yet, Maison du Maillot offers free worldwide delivery and returns, making shopping a breeze!

The tiered eyelet dress I’m wearing in today’s post is far and away one of the most beautiful pieces in my closet. Paired with this delightfully colorful woven basket, the ensemble was perfect for our au revoir dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Café Thirty-A! And now that I’ve been introduced to this fun collection, I’m scheming of where I can wear this red beauty to next…

Whether you’re out at the beach, or back to work today like me, I’m wishing you a week filled with lots of fun! Thanks so much for stopping by today.

Love from Texas,


Photography by Maddie Cairns

Thank you, Maison du Maillot, for sponsoring this post.

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  1. This dress looks like the perfect dress for the beach! I’m glad you had such a great week and hope it’s not too hard to get back to work today :)

    Published 7.31.17 · Reply
  2. Kendal said:

    That dress is absolutely gorgeous!! And I’m so happy to hear you had such a great time on your trip :)

    Kendal // Life With Kendal

    Published 7.31.17 · Reply
  3. Ray said:

    This is one of the most beautiful lace white dress I’ve seen all summer. You look really nice.

    Published 7.31.17 · Reply
  4. Kari said:

    You so pretty!
    This dress looks perfect on you!
    xo. Kari

    Published 7.31.17 · Reply
  5. Galo Armijos Luna said:

    .. mmm that the girl looks good. Enjoy splendidly your vacation.

    Published 7.31.17 · Reply
  6. okay girl I am SWOONING over this dress! So darling, and looks amazing on you!! Your trip looked so fun :)

    Lauren Lindmark |

    Published 7.31.17 · Reply
  7. Olivia said:

    Love the fresh white! So fun! What lipstick are you wearing?! I love the color!

    Published 7.31.17 · Reply
  8. Katie said:

    This dress looks SO cute on you, Kate, and I love your straw bag!


    Published 8.1.17 · Reply
  9. TRACY said:

    This is A gorgeous piece of eyelet

    Published 11.1.20 · Reply