April 1st… Y’all, my favorite month is here! Flowers and swimsuit shopping and Easter and pastels. Thunderstorms and strawberry shortcake and birthday celebrating and seer sucker. April is my absolute favorite. I wasn’t kidding. So, I’m celebrating the start of the most perfect of months with all the color, cheer, and italicization it is due, thanks to my gorgeous Strand tote by Elaine Turner.
I’m enchanted by bright accessories that manage to liven up any outfit in a stylish and sophisticated manner.
Those pieces that are eye-catching and timeless. Fresh and classic. Unique and seamless.
Those pieces that leave an impression on you without you even realizing it.
Somehow the Strand checks off every box on that list. Flawlessly. (If you thought that list was long, you should’ve seen the “boyfriend” version circa 8th grade. We won’t get into that.)
Perhaps it’s the vibrant hue.
The classic style.
The, um, gold monogram.
Honestly, I think what it really comes down to is this – it’s the April of purses.
Want to know the very best part?
Elaine Turner is giving away a darling Strand and you could be the winner! Told you. April really is the best month ever.
The giveaway will run until next Tuesday, April 8th at midnight, and all you have to do is enter through the Rafflecopter widget below! Best of luck, I’m crossing my fingers for you! If you’d like to take fate into your own hands, however, click here to join the Elaine Turner mailing list for 20% off your first purchase.
A huge hug to Kristin, the photographer of this shoot! I’ve had the privilege of working for and getting to know her this past year – talk about beauty inside and out. If you’re ever in need of a photographer in the Austin/Dallas area… or enjoy waisting hours going through gorgeous photo galleries like, um, me… check her out here!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
P.S. As if you needed more reason to get in the spring spirit, check out this adorable video by Elaine Turner! It has me dancing.
Love from Texas,